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HomeIsrael's war against Hezbollah terrorists will destroy Lebanon: expert

Israel’s war against Hezbollah terrorists will destroy Lebanon: expert

Dr. Raif Khoury, a professor of international relations, expressed grave concern in an interview with Al-Hadat that Israel’s war against Hezbollah could destroy Lebanon. He noted that Lebanon is on the brink of a large-scale conflict that could destroy it for purposes unrelated to either its interests or those of the Palestinian Arabs.

“Maariv” writes about this.

Many Lebanese experts, including Khoury, believe that Hezbollah is dragging the country into a war with Israel in pursuit of Iranian interests. Despite considerable concern within the country, no Lebanese politician has enough power to stop this trend. Dr. Khoury noted that the decision to go to war is not made within Lebanon, but by external forces, including Hezbollah, which serves as an instrument of Iranian policy in the region.

Khoury also said that the war could spread beyond the border areas to other parts of Lebanon. He stressed that even if the situation in Gaza and the West Bank stabilizes, there will still be a high probability of a conflict breaking out in Lebanon, as diplomatic solutions have already been exhausted. The expert believes that this war will only bring destruction and suffering to Lebanon, without providing any real help to the Palestinians.

Dr. Khoury also highlighted the resistance of various religions, especially Christians, against Iran’s growing influence in Lebanon. However, they are unable to confront Hezbollah due to its strength and influence. According to him, the only factor that drags the country into war and suppresses any internal call for peace is Hezbollah, which acts in the interest of Iran and with the aim of influencing the entire Middle East.

The expert stressed that Hezbollah’s actions in southern Lebanon are aimed at exhausting Israel, but do not benefit the Palestinian people. He added that despite heavy losses, Hezbollah cannot stop the war because it itself has become a hostage to its aggressive strategy.

Khoury also noted that senior representatives of Lebanon’s Christian churches tried to persuade Hezbollah not to escalate the conflict with Israel, fearing large-scale destruction. The Lebanese Christian patriarch called for coexistence and national unity, concerned about the fate of all Lebanese communities, including the Shiites, and sought to prevent further destruction in the country’s southern regions.

Earlier, Kursor reported that Nasrallah was in a difficult situation and was disappointed with Hezbollah’s activities.

The results of Hezbollah’s latest operations against Israel have disappointed Nasrallah.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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