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it can be very expensive

The month of November will bring significant changes for those receiving unemployment benefits or any type of aid from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). If you find yourself in this situation, it is essential that you are aware of certain changes. From November, with the implementation of Royal Decree Law 2/2024changes will occur in the benefit plan this should not be ignored, as non-compliance could result in financial penalties.

Among the most relevant changes are the new financial aid percentages. During the first six months, beneficiaries will receive 95% of the Multiple effects public income indicator (IPREM)while in the following six months the aid will be reduced to 90%. In addition, the processing of benefits will be simplified, allowing them to be received automatically, without having to wait a month for their granting. They will also be deleted partial grants and the possibility of accessing this aid will be offered to citizens under 45 without dependent family.

Changes to SEPE benefits from November

Almost three months ago, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy approved a reform of subsidies to improve the protection and security of the unemployed. This change, led by Yolanda Díaz and her team, was formalized in Royal Decree-Law 2/2024 of May 21. Its main objective is to facilitate access to SEPE aid and to enable beneficiaries to make work compatible with social benefits.

The reform will come into force on November 1, 2024 and will maintain two specific subsidies: one for unemployment after exhaustion of the contributory pension, intended for those over 52, and another for those who have insufficient contributions. However, other aid for those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits will cease to exist. Those who already benefit from part of the subsidies eliminated in November will continue to receive them, despite the disappearance of this aid.

THE recipients of unemployment benefits They will receive different amounts depending on the duration for which they receive them: during the first six months, 570 euros; in the following six months, 540 euros; and for the rest of the period, 480 euros. On the other hand, the subsidy for those over 52 will remain at 80% of the IPREM, or the equivalent of 480 euros, while the IPREM will remain unchanged: 600 euros per month in 14 payments.

Disappearing subsidies

The SEPE announced that as of November 1, several grants that helped different people will be eliminated. population groups in vulnerable situations. This decision caused great concern among those who depended on this aid, particularly because no alternative was proposed to replace it.

Among the subsidies that will be eliminated are Active integration incomewhich supports unemployed people having difficulty re-entering the labor market, and aid to people released from prison, intended to facilitate social and professional reintegration. They will also remove the Subsidy for returning emigrantshe Subsidy for retirees with revised disability and the Extraordinary unemployment benefit (SED).

THE disappearance of these subsidies This is a blow to people who were in critical situations and who depended on this assistance to meet their basic needs. The lack of new measures from the SEPE has created uncertainty and anxiety among those affected, who fear that their precarious situation will worsen.

It is essential that the SEPE and other relevant entities seek solutions that mitigate the negative impact on these groups. Some possible alternatives include implementing new placement programsby strengthening active employment policies or creating specific assistance for people in vulnerable situations.

Income tax return in 2025

From this year, all unemployed SEPE beneficiaries will have to present their tax return between April and June 2025. This obligation applies regardless of the duration or amount of benefits received, which means that they must declare themselves to the Treasury, whether or not they reach the minimum income. This regulation arises from the modification of article 299 of the general social security law, which will come into force on November 1.

Traditionally, contributory unemployment benefits were considered earned income and were therefore taxed on the basis of earned income. Personal Income Tax (IRPF). However, if unemployment was capitalized, the person was exempt from taxes provided they maintained the activity for five years. The new law provides that, if the declaration is not presented, beneficiaries could face a suspension of aid or have to return the amounts received.

In addition, any benefit, including non-contributory benefits such as Minimum Vital Income (IMV) or the subsidy for those over 52, must also be declared. This is crucial, because non-compliance can interrupt the payment of this aid and affect your retirement contribution.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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