Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 11:28 pm
HomeBreaking News"It could cost 730,000 euros per week"

“It could cost 730,000 euros per week”

Aragon It is urgent to speed up the reopening of the Somport border post, affected by the heavy rains of recent weeks. The regional parliament unanimously approved an institutional declaration in which it asks the Local, regional, national and European authorities are “redouble their efforts” to find solutions that will allow the affected road to be repaired as soon as possible.

Somport, the text says, AndYes a historic pass in the Pyrenees mountain range which since Roman times It has become a major cross-border route. “The construction of the road tunnel in 2003 represented an important step forward in economic and social relations between the territories,” he continues.

The passage of the DANA through the Pyrenees has caused serious problems throughout the region. Especially in the province of Huesca, which borders France, with the closure of the two border posts through the Bielsa and Somport tunnels.

In Aragon, the estimates made by France regarding the reopening of the Somport border post are particularly worrying. can last for months. This “This would cause considerable losses during the autumn and winter in various key sectors of the economy of Upper Aragon as well as in the Aspe Valley.”

“The closure of the RN134 in France at the exit of the Somport tunnel has a major impact on daily life in the region. Every day, hundreds of people cross the border to work, study or do business, in both directions. Similarly, This closure has a significant impact on the transport sector. As recalled by different productive sectors, the connection with France through this border crossing is essential for the competitiveness of many Aragonese companies,” the deputies emphasize.

Other sectors that will be affected are local commerce or the tourism the ski resorts of Astún and Candanchú, which welcome many French skiers from Somport, could be affected by this closure. Not in vain, this eYes a crucial avenue for tourism both in winter and the rest of the year.

An economic assessment of the impact of the closure of the Somport tunnel by the Government already assessed in 2014 the direct, indirect and induced costs of closing the tunnel at 730,000 euros per week.

For all this, the Cortes wanted to express their solidarity with the residents and businesses of THE area affected by the cutting of the carwill reter French and urge immediate action to mitigate the impact on the daily lives of hundreds of people and on the region’s economy.




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