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HomeLatest NewsIt empties your account in seconds

It empties your account in seconds

The rise of new technologies has also had negative effects on society and leads to a disproportionate increase in scams through the different devices we use in our daily lives. One of the tricks of cybercriminals is related to the ATM scam, which has become fashionable in recent years. Therefore, the Civil Guard He wanted to send a warning message to the Spanish.

Scams in the virtual world are fashionable and we can see it daily on our mobile phone. The most famous today is the phishingwhich is the tactic with which cybercriminals try to retrieve our personal and banking data via SMS or emails. Something similar has probably happened to us in recent weeks, where you may have received a text message or email from someone pretending to be Tax authoritiesa bank or even a famous supermarket chain.

These messages are accompanied by a warning about a DGT fine or a prize in a raffle and are accompanied by a link that constitutes the bait and the path to the scam of cybercriminals. Clicking on this link can lead to a malware in your mobile phone or a laptop that can allow cybercriminals to get their hands on your personal and banking information to empty your account. It is therefore mandatory to never click on this link and if you do you will have to contact your bank or the Police.

Hooded man using computer

The ATM scam and the Civil Guard

In addition to the phishingOne of the big scams of these hackers is related to the ATM scam. Before creating a messaging system to take advantage of people’s personal data, many others decide to go to the headquarters and go directly to the bank branch to be able to search the accounts of the victims, which in recent years number in the thousands.

One of the tactics that is always used is to install a small camera in the ATM with which they can access the PIN of your card in addition to inserting a reader into the magnetic strip of this tool to make a duplicate. With this tactic they will have a 2×1, the secret code and a copy of this instrument provided by the banks.

Therefore, the Civil Guard He wanted to send a message through social media. “We have told you many times that when you withdraw money from an ATM, you must be careful. But we must not exaggerate … The precautions are elementary: make sure that it has not been tampered with, do not reveal the PIN code when entering it and if the card is “swallowed”, notify us,” he wrote on his official social media profile.

Another method used by criminals in bank fraud is the proof of the operation, which is an option that many people choose to withdraw money. This is the paper with which the bank records the operation and on which the card and account numbers appear. If you decide to carry out this action, it is best to keep the paper and not throw it in the trash, since criminals can go there to access your data. Even if all the reflected numbers do not appear, they are able to discover all your accounts and empty them in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, the best thing to do when withdrawing money from an ATM is to pay the utmost attention to the state of the ATM, check if there is a small camera nearby and cover yourself well when writing down your PIN. This and avoid printing the receipt, which you can consult without any problem through the banking application with your mobile phone.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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