Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 12:07 pm
HomeBreaking News"It is a moral obligation"

“It is a moral obligation”

He People’s Party This Thursday, he recorded his appeal for unconstitutionality against the amnesty law approved last May. The secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, indicated that this step was “necessary” and that a “moral obligation” because the PP is already “the only state party that remains in the Spanish parliamentary arc.”

Gamarra assured that the PP has always defended that the amnesty was “unconstitutional” and “immoral” because, as he said, his only premise was “to grant immunity to a political caste so that Sánchez would be president of the government of the Spanish government.”

The communities governed by the PP are also considering appealing the amnesty law and the deadline to do so expires after that. September 11The rule was published in the BOE on June 11 and they have three months to appeal.

THE popular They will also try to exclude from the deliberations three of the 12 judges of the Constitutional Court (TC): its president, Candido Count Pumpido, and the two members from the government of Pedro Sánchez, the former minister Juan Carlos Campo and the former general director of Moncloa Laura Diez.

The PP recorded this call in the minutes of the TC before King Felipe VI opened the 2024-2025 judicial year this afternoon in the plenary hall of the Supreme Court (TS), the first with a renewed CGPJ after spending almost six years with an expired mandate due to the lack of agreement between the PP and the PSOE.




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