Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:39 am
HomeBreaking News"It is a reform of the Constitution"

“It is a reform of the Constitution”

THE President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayusobecame the first regional leader of the Popular Party to announce that she has already presented her appeal for unconstitutionality against the amnesty law; “written under the dictation of those who attempted to carry out a coup d’état from Catalonia, arbitrary and obscenely unconstitutional.”

In addition, the leader of the Madrid Popular Party specified that she would request the recusal of the magistrates Cándido Conde-Pumpido, Juan Carlos Campo and Laura Díez, “for their public and notorious links with the PSOE”. Their aim is to exclude them from the deliberation of the Law, as announced by the Popular Group (deputies and senators) last Thursday.

“In the PP and in the Community of Madrid, we are not going to stand idly by in the face of the greatest act of political corruption in the history of our democracy,” he said during an informative breakfast organized by Nueva Economía Fórum.

The movement, which they orchestrated from Genoa, will be repeated in cascade in all the autonomous communities governed by the People’s Party during this Monday and Tuesday; even if the Madrid president was the first to announce it.

It should be remembered that the amnesty law set a deadline of three months to be able to challenge the standard from its publication in the Official Journal. Official State Gazette (BOE). That is, since June 11.

For this reason, all autonomous communities governed by the Popular Party have accelerated the deadline to present themselves to the Constitutional Court.

Ayuso explained that the regional government takes into account “in the parliamentary treatment of this law, various precepts of the Constitution and of the Regulations of the Congress of Deputies“, which resulted in “a secret reform of the Spanish Constitution.”

“We will do everything in our power so that they cannot overthrow our Constitution and sink Spain. In this process, everything that gives meaning to Spain as a Nation: the Senate, the Monarchy“The Constitution and the regions and especially the Community of Madrid, we are objective,” warned the head of the regional Executive, while affirming that this “Government does not admit criticism and does not respect plurality or the truth itself.”

The argument

To prepare this resource, the Regional Executive requested a report from the General Plea of ​​the Community of Madridlast June. There, the legal services issued an opinion that supports the filing of an appeal of unconstitutionality against this norm.

In his argument, he denounces the fact that the amnesty law affects the fundamental pillars on which the Constitution is based and defends that the rule of law cannot function properly if the Regional administrations They do not operate under the same constitutional rules.

The Community of Madrid considers that a law that creates a “privileged status for the leaders” of a specific autonomous community cannot be accepted, protecting behaviors contrary to the law and “breaking the principle of equality” of all Spaniards before the law. in the Article 14 of the Constitution.

Furthermore, it represents a “break with the separation of powers” because, through it, the The legislature invades the functions of the judiciarythe only one of the three in the state to have constitutionally granted the power to “judge and execute what is judged.”

Finally, and as reported by the Community of Madrid, it is also indicated that the amnesty law was approved without taking into account the “reports published by the General Council of the Judiciary”, the main associations of judges, the majority association of prosecutors, Senate lawyers and Congressional Justice Commission lawyers.




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