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“It is difficult to understand the Koldo and Aldama operation without the participation of Ábalos”

The anti-corruption prosecution considers it “difficult to understand” the alleged plot of which they were allegedly the leaders Koldo Garcia And Victor de Aldama “without the participation [del exministro] Jose Luis Abalos“.

Indeed, the Public Prosecutor emphasizes that the commission agent “had a level of virtually unlimited access to the sphere of ministry [de Transportes]including the minister himself.

This is what prosecutor Luis Pastor Motta says in the report in which he asked National Court judge Ismael Moreno to ask the Supreme Court to indict Ábalos. EL ESPAÑOL had access to said document.

Since he is a Congressman and therefore has no capacity, only the High Court can summon the former minister to testify and investigate him.

To do this, Moreno would have to send what is called reasoned presentationa resolution in which it explains the evidence that exists against a defendant and justifies why he or she should be charged.

For the moment, this is already requested by the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office, which made this decision after the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard sent his latest report to the judge, which indeed contains evidence against the former Minister of Transport.

The crimes that the public prosecutor attributes to Ábalos are those of corruption, influence peddling and criminal organization.

Fragment of the anti-corruption report.


In the call Koldo affair we are investigating a plot by public employees and businessmen allegedly dedicated to collect illegal commissions through several contracts, awarded, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, by the central government and by the executives of the Canary and Balearic Islands to certain companies. One of the people interviewed is Koldo García, former advisor to the former head of Transport.

Concretely, among other things, the UCO file indicates that Ábalos would have received compensation in exchange for his support of Koldo’s plot. In fact, the Civil Guard goes so far as to describe the relationship between the two as “binomial”, to the point that some members of the conspiracy have referred to the former minister as “the boss”. Anticorruption also remembers this.

Another of the leaders of this network is Víctor de Aldama, considered to be its commission agent/intermediary/buyer. The UCO states in its report that the plot infiltrated “the spheres of action of the public and private sectors, resort to corruption and influence peddling to facilitate their criminal activities and obtain the economic advantages inherent to them.

“The facts reflected in this report not only show the influence of Aldama on MITMA [Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana] through alleged corrupt practices, but also his attempt to influence other decision-making bodies, thanks to the use of the Koldo-Ábalos pair“, expressed the Civil Guard.

Likewise, an Aldama partner paid 82,298 euros for rent in JessicaSO girlfriend of José Luis Ábalos. The UCO details in its report that the young woman took advantage of this property between 2019 and 2022.

Jesica, a dentistry graduate and tenant of accommodation in Plaza de España in Madrid, was also hired in a public company reporting to the Ministry of Transport. The Civil Guard suspects that the person who paid their rent was an alleged front man.

The UCO report also included a 2020 conversation between then-Development Minister José Luis Ábalos with Pedro Sanchez. In this document, the first informed the President of the Government that the Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, intended to travel to Spain and see Ábalos “discreetly”.

In 2020, the Ministry of Transport, while Ábalos headed it and Koldo García was his main advisor, awarded two contracts, handpicked, due to the health emergency situation, to the company. SL Management Solutionsconsidered the epicenter of the plot.

More precisely, the public entity State ports gave him 20 million euros for the supply of eight million masks. For his part, Adif awarded him a commission for the same purpose in the amount of 12.5 million euros.

However, Koldo García also maneuvered with other departments of the Administration to promote the hiring of local companies. For example, the latest UCO report includes a WhatsApp conversation in 2020 between the man who was then advisor and who was president of the Balearic Islands on that date, Francine Armengol. García recommends two specific companies to carry out anti-Covid tests.

Armengol allows you to easily contact your Health Advisor. One of the companies García recommended would soon end up being hired by the island’s government. Today, the former president of the Balearic Islands is the third authority of the State, having become, in August 2023, president of the Congress of Deputies.

Koldo repeated this operation and also contacted the presidents of Rioja at the time (Concha Andreu) and the canary (Angel Victor Torres). The latter is also today Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory. For his part, Andreu He shared with the former advisor of Ábalos the contact of his Minister of Health, in an action similar to that of Armengol.

The Anticorruption report delves deeper into this issue. And he emphasizes: “This capacity for mediation before the highest levels of the General Administration of the State and the various autonomous governments was reinforced by the fact that Koldo García was a personal advisor to the minister, a circumstance that allowed him to ‘get in touch with senior officials from different ministries, and also, because at that time José Luis Ábalos He was organizational secretary of the PSOEwhich gave it a certain ascendancy over the autonomous administrations in which the government belonged to this political party, as was the case of Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and La Rioja“.




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