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“It is unfortunate to leave children without a solution”

Not all students returned to school on Monday, September 2. For Solan (the people mentioned by name wish to remain anonymous), the first day of classes at the first STMG took place on Monday, September 16, after several months of obstacle course. In June, when the results were published on Affelnet, the student assignment platform, it was a cold shower: “Despite a favorable opinion from the class council for me to go to the first STMG, all my wishes were rejected”the high school student laments.

Of, “the lump in the stomach”She looked for a solution. With her mother, Myriam, she went around the high schools in Essonne, with CVs and cover letters in her bag, to find a place. “A full-time job”According to Myriam, the duo even arranged an appointment with the district’s deputy to support their candidacies. A few days after the start of the school year, Solan turned down an offer to pursue a professional career in a “metallurgical” sector that did not correspond at all to his project: to become a marketing director for an airline. But he did not return to school at the same time as his classmates were generating in him. “a lot of frustration”. “I felt excluded”confesses the 16-year-old teenager. Myriam can’t believe it: “The high school secretary told us that STMG is a sector under stress. There are not enough teachers to open additional classes.”

The long-awaited phone call arrives on Thursday, September 12. Thanks to a withdrawal, Solan is able to go to STMG at his original high school and start classes, two weeks late. “We were very lucky. Among the eight pending cases, they took my son”Myriam admits with a sigh of relief, judging above all that her determination has borne fruit. “How do the others do it? Those who don’t know how to write letters, those who don’t call the rector’s office twenty times?”he wonders.

“Catastrophic returns”

Like Solan, thousands of students spent the summer in anguish. Nearly 27,000 were still unassigned at the end of August, according to figures released Monday, September 16 by the Ministry of National Education. More than 13,800 students are still waiting two weeks after the start of the school year, all levels combined. This represents 0.3% of the population enrolled in secondary education, the ministry downplays. These figures remain stable compared to the start of the 2023 school year. According to the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE), the difficulties are particularly acute in Seine-Saint-Denis and Essonne, but also in Hauts-de-Seine, Gard. or on a vocational path in Ille-et-Vilaine.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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