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HomeLatest NewsIt just arrived on Netflix and it's already the most viewed

It just arrived on Netflix and it’s already the most viewed

Anyone who is even familiar with the Netflix catalog knows that in “the big red N” you can hide that horror movie or action thriller you love. will leave you hooked to the screen until the end. It is not something intrinsically determined by its quality, but by the proportional quantity of titles it contains. infinite space entertainment, compared to the competition. It is specified that within the brand founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph there are almost 6,000 films and around 1,700 series. This is why, more than ever lost in this range of stories, the figure of the content prescriber has become indispensable. Of course, our recommendation today may not need to be no type of presentationsince barely a week after its premiere, it is already alone at the top of the platform’s ranking.

“Rebel Ridge” (Netflix).

The audience of the company led by Dan Lin and Ted Sarandos has never cared about the cinematic level of original products. Netflix is ​​rather a space for absolute entertainment which almost always offers more news than its subscribers can cover. And this handicap is precisely a strength when projects like Rebel Ridgean adrenaline-pumping action thriller that will delight fans of franchises like Rambo either Tyler Rake (another house brand product). It had been a long time since an original film from the company had worked so well with the public, provoking a surprising harmony between the public and the specialized critics of this directed and written proposal. Jeremiah Saulnier.

A devastating action thriller

“Rebel Ridge” (Netflix).

To verify the success of Rebel Ridge you just have to take a look at it statistics shared by Netflix. The action thriller tops the Top 10 English-language films, occupying this privileged list precisely in 93 countries from all over the world. With 31 million of visualizations and 68 million hours watched, the feature film released on September 6th has swept away the rest of the competition. And it’s not that this is a small thing to attract the public. But at least this week, The liberation, The union, Offshore trap, Inexperienced, Sonic, Gemini Project either Ducks! They could do nothing against the dizzying entertainment offered by the new leader of the small screen.

“Rebel Ridge” (Netflix).

We will have to wait and see if in the coming days the victorious path continues for the title. An achievement that will surely lead to multiple recordings for the streaming service. Another of its merits is that all the other films on the list have a much shorter duration. At just over two hours, Rebel Ridge is one of those movies you can’t miss this weekend, it’s unlikely that this year Netflix will be able to create something as violent and visceral like this action and revenge thriller.

What is “Rebel Ridge” about?

“Rebel Ridge” (Netflix).

The summary of Rebel Ridge puts us in the shoes of a former sailor who spends his days in a small town for a specific reason that we don’t know at first. Named Terry, the young soldier goes with his bike to the police station to pay his cousin’s bail. However, on the way, he is hit by a police vehicle that ends up confiscating his bail money. He goes to complain to the head of the police station, but when he realizes that no one will do anything for him, he decides to get his money back, free his cousin and be done with it. take justice into your own hands.

“Rebel Ridge” (Netflix).

Saulnier is a filmmaker who has been producing good films for years. In 2013, the cult film Blue Ruin and in 2015 he did the same with Green room. He also directed some episodes of the third season of True Detective. Today, his good work as a director is once again demonstrated with Rebel Ridge. An honor that makes him one of the directors who, without much noise, managed to (finally) release a feature film on Netflix with a little positivism by the specialist press.

Featured in the film we find Aaron-Pierre. An actor who became famous after appearing in the brilliant mini-series The metro. Later he was part of the cast of Time by M. Night Shyamalan and the independent story, brother. In the future, he still appears attached to the project of Bladealthough he recently assured that due to the company’s multiple delays, he would no longer appear in the Marvel feature film. The cast is complete Don Johnson, Anna Sophia Robb and James Cromwell.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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