Friday, September 20, 2024 - 10:59 am
HomeBreaking News"It vaccinates us against the mafias"

“It vaccinates us against the mafias”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhe reiterated during his visit to Senegal the importance of “promoting regular and orderly migration” because it is “necessary and practical for all of us”. “Recruitment at origin and regulated migration vaccinates us against mafias and against those who use irregularity to spread hatred,” Sanchez said after his meeting in Dakar with the Senegalese president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

“Migration is not a fairy tale. Recently we were a country of migrantsbut it is necessary and practical for both the countries of origin and destination. And I insist again: orderly migration. The irregular situation is directly hell for the migrant himself and for the young people who fall prey to these mafia networks,” explained Sánchez.

The President of the Government ends his two-day tour of Africa in the midst of the migration crisis. Accompanied by the Minister of the Economy, Carlos’s bodyand by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma SaizSánchez visited Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal in an effort to strengthen ties with countries critical to controlling migration flows.

“The Spanish government is determined to create economic opportunities“, supporting the fight against mafias and organized crime and offering alternatives within the framework of regular migration,” the president said. He also highlighted the cooperation between the security forces and agencies of the two countries and that security is “essential to improve the situation.” -the being of all.

Sánchez celebrated the end of his tour with “very positive results” This will help Spain to “further strengthen its extraordinary relationship with Senegal.” He also announced that King Felipe VI had formally invited the Senegalese president to Spain, who will travel to Madrid in the coming months.




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