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“It will be Aldama’s legislature, no one has faced a president like him with Sánchez”

“It will be Aldama’s legislature, no one has faced a president like him with Sánchez”

The executive president and director of EL ESPAÑOL, Pedro J. Ramirezparticipated this Friday in the Telecinco program gathering The critical lookwhere he analyzed the current political situation, marked by the statement before the National Court of the businessman Víctor de Aldama, who on Thursday accused several members of the PSOE of being involved in the Koldo affair.

Pedro J. Ramírez assured that he does not know “if the legislature will last months or years“There are so many incriminating points that every week a new front will open for the government and the PSOE. I experienced the whole affair very closely. Barcénasor that of Jose Amedo or the confessions of Luis Roldanbut no accused ever showed up so willing to confront the president like Aldama with Pedro Sánchez”, explained the director of EL ESPAÑOL.

The businessman and commission agent Koldo affair He was released last night after testifying before the National Court, indicating that “the anti-corruption prosecution gives him credibility,” says Pedro J. Ramírez. Among other accusations, the businessman assured that the organizing secretary of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, had collected 15,000 euros in cash, that the former Minister of Transport Jose Luis Abalos received more than 400,000 or that the government organized a dinner in 2020 with the vice-president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, who is prohibited from setting foot on European soil.

This Thursday, after the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies, Sánchez called Aldama a “character” and accused him of lying, to which Aldama responded upon his release from prison that the president suffered from “Alzheimer’s disease ” and that he was a “mythomaniac”.

However, Pedro J. Ramírez warns Sánchez: “This is not just any character. He’s a confessed criminal, but he seems like an intelligent person who doesn’t give in. I never heard Bárcenas question Rajoy in public or Roldán question Felipe González. as he did with President Aldama.”

For the director of EL ESPAÑOL, the general manager’s problem is the “credibility” he has left. “Sánchez has a big, huge credibility problem. We don’t know how many times what Aldama said is true. But we know that in recent years Sánchez has said many falsehoods with the political intent of deceiving the people Spanish.” he said.


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