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HomeLatest News"It will be the most massive edition in our history"

“It will be the most massive edition in our history”

With our eyes turned to the sky and our fingers crossed that the DANA expected at the beginning of the week will cross the province of Burgos as quickly as possible, Ebrovision, the event with which, from September 5th to 8th Castilla y León is putting the finishing touches to the summer calendar of music festivals, rushing the hours to prepare the edition that “will be the most massive in our history,” Ramiro Molinero, spokesman for the Association of Friends of Rafael Izquierdo, the group organizing the event, told ABC of the appointment. It is one of the “challenges” that will face this year an event that already enjoys a loyal audience – for example, its 20th anniversary edition, which managed to hang the “no tickets” sign without revealing its lineup.

Molinero considers this attendance to be “record” -they expect to exceed 22,000 people this weekend- is due to “a poster that has captivated the public” and that now the challenge lies in the “sustainability” of the event, that is, “that people continue to feel comfortable” despite its growth because “this has always been one of the characteristics of Ebrovisión.

This year they repeat the experience and will distribute their eight stages on the banks of the Ebro, an enclave that last year their fans were unable to fully enjoy “because a DANA arrived and several stages had to be moved to indoor venues. We hope that this year we can enjoy all these scenarios from start to finish.”

This edition will also emulate the culinary experience of the last edition. cwith Mirandese chefs Alejandro Serrano and Alberto MolineroThe two Michelin-starred chefs and Repsol sun will rehearse on the raised VIP terrace of the musical event, on September 6 and 7, with two original gastronomic offers in the form of a cocktail dinner.

Arde Bogotá is one of the bands that will perform in Miranda

Juan Flores

Ramiro remembers that the commitment to combining music and gastronomy has accompanied them since the first edition: “The first years we started with something more rudimentary, like the ‘paelladas’. Little by little we perfected it and then came the gastronomic exhibition, in which more than ten restaurants took their stoves out onto the street and last year with this change of project we decided to take another turn. “We are lucky to have two Michelin stars in Miranda and we tricked them by setting up a pop-up restaurant in front of the main stage where 60 lucky people will be able to enjoy a wonderful dinner every night.”

A successful proposal, since “in five or six hours all the services are exhausted.”

Regarding the poster configured for this edition, which will feature groups and artists such as Iván Ferreiro, Mikel Erentxun, Delaporte, Maika Makovski, Arde Bogotá and Miles KaneMolinero highlights the presence of the latter: “We have been behind him for several years and it is a luxury to have him in Miranda because he is an artist who does not spend much time in our country.” Also from Arde Bogotá, “the band of the moment”, but he insists that “we like to say here that they are all headliners.”

In addition, he emphasizes that another of the “differentiating” elements of this festival is that “the public can enjoy from the first to the last concert because there is no type of overlap.” In their “DNA” since their beginnings, there is also the support for emerging groups, because they believe that if those who are currently at the forefront had not had this support, it would have been “difficult for them to reach the top.”

Another of these signs is the programming of surprise concerts. This year, they will program two.

The audience has changed as the event has grown: “Above all, we have all grown older. The truth is that it is wonderful to see the families of the “ebrovisivos” who have been coming since the 2001 edition and who already come with their children. I would like those who attend this edition to “enjoy the poster that we have prepared for them, this charming, beautiful and natural festival that we now have and that they leave with a smile and charged batteries to face this new “journey” that will surely be long and complicated.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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