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“It’s a success story”

Convictions from European justice, sanctions from the European Commission and blocking of European funds. This is what the ultra PiS government of Mateusz Morawiecki – 2014-2023 – has received in recent years in response to its colonization of the justice system and the persecution of LGBTI and women’s rights in Poland. Morawiecki was one of the main allies of Vox in Europe, but also of Giorgia Meloni, with whom they still share a European political family. In fact, PiS still retains the presidency of the country, in the hands of Andrzej Duda.

The Poland of PiS –2014-2023– is the one that decreed municipalities “free” of LGTBI people and the one that regulated pregnancy to the point of making it practically impossible but, for Alberto Núñez Feijóo, it is an economic model to defend. . “It has increased the productivity of its economy in the last six years, four times more than Spain,” declared the president of the PP after meeting the current Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, in office for less than a year. year and to whom did not have any special words during the canned video that the PP distributed. “Poland’s economic success in recent years should be a good indicator of our mutual relations,” concludes Feijóo.

It was precisely Donald Tusk, whom Feijóo met, who led a coalition – Plataforma Cívica – led by his party, the conservative Civic Coalition, with liberal, progressive and green parties to defeat, precisely, the ultra government that led the country. “over the past few years.”

Tusk, who has been in power in Poland for barely 10 months, was also, when he was president of the European PP, the one who most opposed the conservative family’s agreements with the far right, and publicly criticized the PP agreement with Vox to share the government of Castilla y León – the first of many that would arrive later.

But none of this is included in Feijóo’s statement. “Poland managed to achieve a success by multiplying its GDP by 10, Poland managed to control its public debt and has half the public debt of Spain; Poland has four times less unemployment than Spain; and it has also increased the productivity of its economy in the last six years four times more than Spain,” praised the president of the PP.

However, at one point in his speech, Feijóo compares the government of Pedro Sánchez to the Polish government of PiS, when one – the Pole – was sanctioned and condemned for his policies, which did not happen to the other – the Spaniard: “Poland suffered under the previous government an occupation of state institutions like that which Spain is currently undergoing. “The Polish Prime Minister and I are determined to ensure that the rule of law is absolutely guaranteed in our countries.”

And he concludes with new flowers for the leadership of the ultra-PiS government: “The history of Poland’s economic success in recent years must be a good indicator of our mutual relations. »


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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