Pedro Acosta was full of praise for Marc Marquez for his victory in the MotoGP Aragon GP sprint.“It’s having some really big balls,” said Tiburón de Mazarrón about the triumph of the eight-time world champion 1,042 days later. He 93 He dominated with a firm hand throughout the weekend, comfortably leading all the training sessions and demonstrating it in the short race.
Marc Márquez’s victory and his words to assess his return to the top after the ordeal of his last years: “It was a bit expected, wasn’t it? After seeing the weekend he had, it was to be expected. I’m happy for him, He didn’t deserve to end his career as planned. I think it will always be good for the championship, for the riders who are starting out, like me, and for those behind, to see the improvement they have made. This is what it means to have some really big balls.. Today, I have this left, the eggs he threw in everything. Not today, in what happened from that day until today, which is long.
Concerning How to explain Marquez’s superiority on MotorLandPedro Acosta was clear: “I can’t explain it. Maverick was also far superior to everyone else in America, and they still haven’t found an explanation after four months. I don’t think it will be found. It’s true that it’s always been good here. There were circuits like Las Américas or the Sachsenring where we knew that Marc was going to be there, even if the situation didn’t happen. I think Marc is one of those special guys who has more home runs than the others.but he has many circuits during the year in his favor.
Happy for your podium
Pedro was happy with his sprint podium after having to go through Q1, but said the race was still long: “It starts with the sprint on Saturday, but there’s still Sunday. We changed the subject quite a bit after yesterday.because yesterday the subject was complicated. It is true that It was my fault that I didn’t make it to Q2Things are what they are, but I think it was one of the most competitive Q1s because there were a lot of fast people. We were able to turn it around, which was important. Back then, the race was what everyone expected, today there was not much to do. It’s a bit strange because we are still skating very easily at the beginning. I skated less than the others, but I saw Pecco and more. I think tomorrow we will have to solve that because it’s not about improving anymore, it’s about becoming dangerous now. The race was good in everything.”
The KTMs took a step forward with a dirtier track and slightly trickier conditions: “It was good for us that the grip was weaker and everything was a bit dirtier.. It’s true that we would have improved a little bit. Maybe we wouldn’t have gone as far, but I think we were able to adapt to the bad conditions. “We also hope to adapt to the good conditions.”
Regarding the race that ended with Márquez’s victory, Pedro Acosta commented that “it was a bit of a consequence: Marc was very fast, Martín’s front wheel must have overheated a bit when passing behind Marc and he went backwards, for me mine got hot, I went back… And we had a little domino effect. In other words, the one in front is doing very well until everyone else starts falling.
When it comes to explaining how much things have changed in Austria this weekend, GasGas Tech3 was clear: “We put the same bike I had at the beginning of the yearthe same. We moved to telemetry, which I think also helps us all relax a little bit, in the sense that the strategist is more relaxed, the technician is more relaxed, I am more relaxed because I only have one person focused on me to ride… And I focus on what one person tells me, not what fifty people tell me. I think it’s better that way. Having more people too, because one person came to focus on another part of the bike and so having more staff helped us as well.
Finally, he spoke about his options for the podium for Sunday: “We also have to see what the tyre choices will be, because with the softs, no one will finish the race. The drop in performance that everyone experienced was quite significant.. We must first see what people decide to do and then see where we can go.