Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:56 pm
HomeTop Stories“It’s like a hamster on a wheel.”

“It’s like a hamster on a wheel.”

The Popular Party (PP) continues its strategy of delegitimizing the government of Pedro Sánchez, as well as its refusal to reach agreements with it. If since the morning the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, defended the idea of “street cry” oppose a “Catalan quota”, and other barons would support it, it was expected that the leader of the popular parties at the national level, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, would do the same after the Executive Committee held this Monday in Genoa, but that was not the case. On the other hand, he blocked twice “ungovernable” the socialist legislaturea, while he compared it to “a hamster in a wheel”.

“The government seems to us like a hamster stuck in a wheel that keeps turning every day,” are the words Feijóo used to define Sánchez’s legislature. Some statements clearly refer to loss of support that the Executive suffers in the Congress of Deputies when it comes to carrying out its initiatives.

Concretely, the popular leader refers to the seven deputies of Junts for Catalonia which has already threatened vote against the path to stability this week in the Lower House, in accordance with what they already did it a few months agoand this has paralyzed the general budgets of the State. Precisely, last Saturday, the number three of the PSOE and leader of the neoconvergents, Carles Puigdemont, They met in Switzerland to reverse this situation.

A meeting that in Feijóo’s eyes had the objective of “begging Puigdemont not to end the legislature” and this is added to a long list of problems that lead to calling “everything” “crazy”. The popular leader also took the opportunity to continue criticizing the single funding for Catalonia that CPS and ERC agree to invest Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat last August.

In fact, following these conditions from Junts and the Catalan Republicans, Feijóo considers that the change at Moncloa will come “while the independence movement has nothing left to wrest from the current government.” Of course, the leader of the Popular Party joked that “there are two things in which this government is capable of advancing unstoppably”: “in the degradation of everything within its reach” and “in the opposition to the PP.”

At the other extreme, there is the government that is minimizing this alleged loss of support and is taking advantage of the opportunity to attack Genoa’s attitude. Without going any further, on the morning of this Monday, the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, maintained that in Moncloa absolutely nothing is considered lost“, while he called it “inconceivable” that the people would vote against the spending ceiling that will be voted on this week: “They don’t care about harming citizens if they boycott the government,” Bolaños said.

In the same vein, the spokesperson for the PSOE, Esther Peña, also spoke out, who was harsher towards the popular. “Are the autonomous communities and municipalities going to allow them to lose 12 billion euros just because Feijóo asks for it?”, Peña wondered, later joining her colleague’s words by assuring that the PP “He just wants the government to lose the vote” and regret that so much “pessimism” seems to be driving budgets forward.




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