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“It’s managed like a headless chicken”

“It’s managed like a headless chicken”

He Navarre Medical Union (SMN) warned against “progressive deterioration of Navarrese health care“and the”lack of effective measures“to reverse the situation of Ministry of Healthwhom he accuses of acting “like a headless chicken”.

“If nothing is done, the situation does not continue, it gets worse, and that is what really happened,” the general secretary of the SMN, Alberto Pérezin a parliamentary appearance in which the increase in costsTHE waiting lists and growth take out private insurance in Navarra as signs of deterioration.

Pérez criticized the fact that, in the past, the union had been described as “alarmist and self-serving” when denouncing the deficiencies inside health system: “They called us peseteros and other atrocities, but now the situation is so obvious that it is not even necessary for the Medical Union to report it.”

He emphasized that “the waiting list problem and of general deterioration of public health These are not just numbers or press headlines; we are talking about lives“, since “the diagnostic delays and the missed opportunities have a direct impact on health“.

As for the human resourcesPérez explained that Navarre has one of the higher rates of doctors per capita in Spain, something that “does not translate into adequate care due to the poor organization“.

Likewise, he indicated that the health budget in Navarre is one of the highest in the country, but, “although it has more than billion euros extras over the last five years, the results expected”.

The union warned against increase in vacant doctor positions discovered: “In June 2024 there was 73 vacancies for doctors in Navarre; For September they were already 89“.

He further denounced the work overload doctors, who “work as if they were 2.7 people due to unpaid overtime and no quoted“.

Faced with this situation, the SMN demanded urgent measures and gave examples of certain initiatives Basque Country And La Riojalike improvements in remunerationTHE conciliationTHE flexibility of schedules and the shift in the working day.

Likewise, he proposed adjusting the agendas doctors, carry out a educational campaign for the proper use of health resources and improve the working conditionsincluding one signature system which allows us to count actual hours of work.

Finally, Pérez concluded by denouncing a “political tendency towards the degradation of doctors“and pointed out that the recent Regional Health Law “it’s a fraud”, because “it allows doctors to travel without compensation and opens the door to a possibility privatization of the health system”.

“THE courage take risky decisions”, he denounced, insisting on the fact that “the political inaction “This will only worsen the crisis in the health sector.”

It’s the turn of the groups, Leticia San Martin (UPN) criticized the Department because “it tells us that all the problems are due to the lack of doctors, but at the same time it tells us that there is no shortage, but that we must distribute them“.

Irene Royo (PP) denounced the “excessive arrogance” of the government and regretted that “instead of listening to our proposals, we were treated with contempt“, while, since Voice, Maïté Nosti highlighted the lack of doctors, indicating that “the necessary number is not available.”

The socialist Maïté Esporrin stated that he does not see “the glass as empty as he thought” and stressed that “the citizenship value the health above 7“.

Txomin González (EH Bildu) recognized the “major stress“health care and advocated for research”balance and consensus“between staff and political forces, and Isabelle Aranburuof Geroa Baidenied that Navarrese health care is wrong, defending the “courage of the ministry not to say amen to any proposal.

Finally, Daniel Lopez (Contigo-Zurekin) insisted on the fact that “politicians do not want to degrade the image of doctors”, whom he considers “main actors“health care.


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