Friday, September 20, 2024 - 9:13 pm
HomeLatest News"It's not going to get better, quite the contrary"

“It’s not going to get better, quite the contrary”

The Galician government gave the green light this Monday, in its first meeting after the “breaks” of August, to the filing of an appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law for the leaders of the Catalan “process” approved this year. This was put forward by the president of the National Assembly to file an appeal of unconstitutionality, not only to defend his own powers, but also when it is considered necessary, as in this case, to reestablish the constitutional legal order.

Now, once the current procedures have been completed, the submission of the appeal will become effective. “before next September 9th”, It is precisely at this point that the deadline to do so expires, he indicated. The “arbitrariness of the law”, the “rupture of the principle of territorial, legal and economic equality” and the “violation of the separation of powers” are some of the arguments that, in Rueda’s words, are in favor of the Xunta. having decided to file this appeal before the Constitutional Court. All these problems have led the Council to “give the green light” to the filing of this appeal, thus preventing decisions from being taken that could interfere with the interests of Galicia.

Interests that, he indicated in response to the media responses, do not interest the central government, which has “attitudes” towards Galicia that “it would not dare maintain with other autonomous communities”, those that are “fundamental” to stay where they are.” He thus undermined the “little will” of the central government to maintain a fluid dialogue with the Community, since it has not even met with it since it reaffirmed its position (and has met with the presidents, later elected, of the Basque Country and the Catalan Generalitat), nor has it convened the Conference of Presidents. For his part, Rueda said that he would continue to “wait” and “insist”, because It is the government’s “obligation”, and that it is clear that where he will not fall is in “this attempt to speak unilaterally” with the regional presidents.

“I look forward to recognizing Galicia’s affection from the central government,” he said, being his “obligation” as leader of the Autonomous Executive, but the “unanswered letters”, the “arrogance” shown by some ministers towards the Community and the response “unresolved requests” or with a negative response”, do not allow it. “It’s not going to get better, quite the contrary,” He affirmed his relationship with the executive of Sánchez.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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