Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 4:21 am
HomeTop StoriesIt's war in the cleaning service of La Coruña

It’s war in the cleaning service of La Coruña

A Coruña has become the epicentre of a new judicial investigation linked to the cleaning sector. This Thursday, it was revealed that Miguel Ángel Sánchez, former leader of the cleaning workers’ union, is being investigated for alleged crimes of money laundering, fraud and corruption. According to the investigation, Sánchez allegedly accused unemployed workers of “plug them” into the municipal cleaning service.

In recent years, La Coruña has been the scene of up to three cleaning strokesall under the leadership of Sánchez. The most recent one ended with the burning of garbage trucks, an act that the former unionist himself publicly condemned. “We reject acts of vandalism that deliberately try to associate us,” he said at the time.

However, the allegations against him have shed a different light on his figure. Francisco Jorquera, spokesman for the BNG in La Coruña, denounced: “They charged bribes to place workers. “His accumulated wealth is something any working man would want.”

Sánchez, who led the union until August 14, categorically denied the accusations. “If they are staff members, they may be from another union center or another political leadership, the only thing they want is to hurt us” he said.

The former leader was fired by the company in charge of the cleaning service, accusing him of not respecting his obligations and of inciting other workers to do the same. Now, justice is focusing on him to determine the veracity of the accusations made against his union leadership.




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