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HomeBreaking NewsIvan's first intervention

Ivan’s first intervention

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At 24, the agent Ivan Martin will remember for the rest of his life the operation he performed on August 31 and the face of the protagonist, an octogenarian neighbor from the capital Malaga who saved from choking on a piece of melon.

Born in a small town in Cordoba, he has been working at the provincial police station in Malaga for only two months. With his partner Alfonso Solisa guild veteran, were patrolling aboard a zeta vehicle when A notification has arrived from the 112 emergency service.

They were in the area of Huelin. Apparently the notice explained that An elderly woman was unconscious at homeelongated and with purple lips. So without thinking twice, they accelerated the police vehicle to arrive as quickly as possible.

When they entered the house, they found the woman with her husband, her daughter and her neighbor. Everyone was visibly shocked.We thought it was a heart attackbut they told us they had just given him a piece of melon. It was a choking incident,” Officer Martin said.

So, as the woman was on the ground, the two They tried to lift her up by holding her armpits to begin the Heimlich maneuver.procedure generally followed in this type of case.

It is about Make a fist with both hands and place it on the lower half of the sternum. Once this position is reached, a firm inward movement should be made by pulling both arms back. These understandings should be repeated quickly about six to ten times for each attempt.

In the case of the elderly woman from Malaga, the officers judged make her react twice without success. The third time, as the saying goes, was the charm. The woman expelled the piece of melon that had been stuck inside her.

Then, to the great delight of the agents, started breathing lightly. From the cyanotic state, he began to regain the usual color of his complexion. They had succeeded, the woman was alive.

To try to allow the lady to breathe a little more easily, they repeated the maneuver. It was just at that moment that the paramedics from 061 arrived, They took her to the Clinical Hospital of Malagawhere she was treated.

It was the first humanitarian intervention in Iván’s professional life as an agent. And he completed it successfully and worked wonderfully. The young man left the National Police School on May 31 and, without a doubt, he made his debut in style.




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