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HomeEntertainment NewsJavier Milei plagiarizes “The West Wing” and denounces the UN “awakening agenda”

Javier Milei plagiarizes “The West Wing” and denounces the UN “awakening agenda”

“We believe in the defense of life –for everyone–, in the defense of property –for everyone–, in freedom of expression –for everyone–, in freedom of worship –for everyone–, in freedom of commerce – for everyone – everyone – and we believe in limited government – ​​everyone. »

This phrase and the next two, spoken by Javier Milei at the end of his first speech before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on September 24, did not go unnoticed by fans of the successful series. The west wing (in the white house). They correspond, almost word for word, to an excerpt from a monologue by the character played by Martin Sheen, President Josiah Bartlet, in the fourth season of the American series.

He is the columnist Carlos Pagni, from the Argentine newspaper. The Nation, who revealed the plagiarism, attributed to Javier Milei’s powerful communications advisor, Santiago Caputo, a fan of the series broadcast between 1999 and 2006 and which he would have seen at least seven times.

dazed flowerbed

There’s something ironic about this series’ almost word-for-word repetition of a rant. Actor Martin Sheen plays, of course, a trained economist, like Javier Milei, but above all a democratic and progressive president, attached to values ​​that would prefer to be classified as left-wing. Unlike Javier Milei, whose rest of the speech at the UN was more of a far-right diatribe. The organization, lamented before a stunned audience, “transformed into a multi-tentacled Leviathan”TO “supranational government of international bureaucrats”.

For the libertarian president, the UN, built to guarantee peace, now imposes “a socialist orientation” to its members. He especially criticized the 2030 Agenda and the pact for the future, adopted two days earlier by the General Assembly – Argentina left “dissociated”. This last text states “give a new impetus” to the Paris climate agreement and the 2030 Agenda, an action plan of seventeen “sustainable development goals” approved in 2015 by UN member states. “End of poverty”, “health and well-being”, “quality education”, “gender equality”, “climate action” are some of these objectives.

“Awakening Agenda”

Aberrations of the extreme right, which considers that it is actually the project of a secret and powerful elite to impose “a new world order”. For conspiracy theorists, the goal of reducing poverty is none other than a plan to reduce the population, by promoting abortion, sexual education, contraception, “organize” epidemics such as coronavirus or HIV, or spreading pesticides on crops that “feminize” men by reducing their testosterone levels. As for the goal of gender equality, it is, of course, just a way to promote “transsexuality and pedophilia”.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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