The news of the divorce between the famous singer and actress Jennifer Lopez and the actor and filmmaker well Affleckcaused a huge media stir around the world. However, separation was not the only demand he made.”The Diva of Bronx” since it was discovered that he had also formally requested to change his name.
Thanks to a copy of her divorce petition with Ben Affleck filed on Tuesday, obtained by the American magazine Billboard, the exclusive information has been published that Jennifer Lopez also requested that his old name be restored.
So after two years like Jennifer Lynn AffleckThe “Let’s Get Loud” singer has formally asked the court to restore her original name. Jennifer Lynn Lopez.
With that, Jlo seeks to sever all ties with the double winner Oscarwho was recently seen smiling amid all the controversy surrounding his split from the singer.
The two stars tied the knot just two years ago, when they reunited after dating at the start of the series. century. After getting married, Jennifer Lopez also took the last name well Affleckbut with their recent separation he has now had to ask to revert to his traditional surname.