Monday, September 30, 2024 - 12:50 am
HomeJews in Iran mourn Nasrallah: brutally murdered

Jews in Iran mourn Nasrallah: brutally murdered

The representative of the Jewish community in the Iranian parliament, Dr. Humion Shimakh, in his recent speech called on international organizations, including the UN, to actively respond to the actions of the “Zionist regime.”

In an interview with the Iranian news agency ISNA, he spoke about the situation in Gaza and Lebanon, highlighting the consequences of military actions.

Shimach stressed that the “Zionist regime” is trying to expand its borders through violence, noting that the attacks have killed and injured many supposedly civilians. He noted that most residential buildings in Gaza have been destroyed, indicating serious humanitarian consequences.

The doctor also criticized the actions of the Israeli forces, stating that the attacks were carried out under the pretext of the presence of military equipment in residential buildings, which he called a false claim that allegedly does not correspond to reality and causes civilian casualties. .

In his words, criticism of the international community was also heard: he reproached it for inaction and insufficient response to the aggression of the “Zionist regime”, limiting himself only to statements of condemnation.

At the same time, the Jewish communities of Isfahan and Tehran expressed their condolences to Hezbollah supporters over the death of its secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah. The communities’ statement said that “Nasrallah was brutally murdered by the Zionist regime.”

The communities underlined their support for the “Islamic nation of Iran” and expressed their condolences for the loss of “martyrs who will go down in the history of the Lebanese people.” They concluded the message by warning that “the perpetrators of these crimes, who have received open support from the US government, will face severe retaliation.”

Previously, Kursor reported that social media “exploded” with memes after Nasrallah’s death.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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