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Jordi Turull assures that the Junts are not “hostages” of the government for having approved the amnesty

The secretary general of Junts per Catalunya, Jordi Turull, said that They are not “hostages” of anyone in the state. for approving the amnesty, when asked if the PSOE could politically use the progressive majority of the Constitutional Court with the amnesty to put pressure on Junts in the negotiations in Congress.

“Don’t come to me with blackmail that “if I do this, I will lose my pardon.” If I have to lose it, I lose it,” he warned in an interview with ‘VilaWeb’ this Saturday and collected by Europa Press.

He also said that relations with the PSOE have neither improved nor deteriorated: “We act by commitments. If you respect, we respect,” and added that the dialogue table in Switzerland continues to function.

The Secretary General justified the “no” of Junts in Congress to the bill to regulate vacation rentals: “You cannot vote in favor of something that “You know it’s going to make things worse.” and added that major political agreements are needed, also with all sectors concerned.

He also aims to revalidate his position at the party congress in October and hopesto bequeath to this congress with a single candidacy, focus on goals, but understands that it may take “three or four” to represent diverse sensibilities.

As for whether he would like the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont to preside over Junts again, he replied that “It’s not a chair problem” but that he is very involved in the game, and defends that he is where he feels most comfortable.

When asked if the current president, Laura Borràs, would chair a new foundation linked to the party, she replied that they didn’t talk about it and insisted that this congress is not about chairs but “arms, hands” to work with.

He added that so far they had focused on building good presentation teams, now they are in the delegate phase and that in the coming days we will have to “talk about where everyone imagines who wants to be or can be in the years to come.”




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