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HomeLatest NewsJosé Luis Torró: Sánchez Bicycles; Bridge breakdowns

José Luis Torró: Sánchez Bicycles; Bridge breakdowns

The announcement made by Pedro Sanchez having discovered for the Spanish the socio-sanitary importance of the use of bikeIt was just another bravado, and as inconsequential as all those that are removed from the magín to entertain the staff. No matter how much he gives him syrup, both from himself and from the ministerial choir, which parrots the ideas and proposals of its beloved leader, it is pure fanfare to take off, once again, on a tangent. Some of the very well-paid minds that swarm around the Monclovita complex to advise him must have had the brilliant idea of ​​betting on the bicycle. And the president approved it as a completely new contribution to the fight against climate change.

By pedaling like this, President Sánchez intended to make up for the custom and Daily abuse of the FalconAnd to underline his ecological vocation, he attacked those who have a Lamborghini in the garage, forgetting those who own an Aston Martin or a Rolls.

The mayor of Ontinyent, Jorge Rodríguez and his team must still be laughing out loud at Sánchez’s discovery of cycling. In Ontinyent – ​​where, it must be said, the presence of the President of the Government was not expected during the Moors and Christians Festival, for the simple reason that it does not have an airport for his Falcon – a public demonstration was held. transport service for a period of more than five years of electric bicycles that any neighbor can use, without any other procedure or cost other than registering and paying 15 euros per year, which allows them to be used free of charge for half an hour each day. Only if this period is exceeded will you have to pay 0.50 euros for every thirty minutes.

The thing about Sánchez’s bikes would have been the most novel if he had announced that in addition to us Spaniards who are starting to pedal, he had decided to order Oscar Bridge to incorporate into all the trains that occasionally run through Spain, a car in which a significant number of bicycles would be stored. In the most common and now common case where the train was missed, frustrated travelers who wanted to and had the legs and the mind could start pedaling as an alternative to try to reach their destination.

Because the railway situation in Spain has gone from the usual delays, deserved for decades, to daily breakdowns, which the Ministry of Transport has tried to justify with the most bizarre excuses and pretexts. Damages and delays that are reported daily in the media and social networks that are not subservient to Sanchismo. That there are some. Such a delay or suspension of service, if it had occurred with the PP in government, would have provoked the angry protest of all the parties – the same ones that made Sánchez president – in addition to the class unions and social groups. This would be incited to demonstrate “because we cannot continue like this, nor reach our destination.”

But no. With an anesthetized society like the Spanish society, whether it is because stupid nihilism which has already become a pandemic, or sodomized by the choirs and media dances and other kids, ready to play their role of tyrants by giving the wave to President Sánchez, here the trains can stop and the minister responsible for so much continuous damage still has the renown to say and repeat in triplicate that “the train in Spain is living the best moment in its history.”

To celebrate the smooth running of trains in our country, the Minister of Transport dismissed the president of Adif, Torrentí Angel Contreraswho was not even allowed to serve one year of the term he was appointed to in December 2023, trying to cover up the affair. Koldo/Ábalos case. And so far, Oscar Puente has blamed the company that makes the Talgo and PP for the rampant rail chaos.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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