Monday, September 30, 2024 - 11:52 pm
HomeTop StoriesJoseba Arregi Erostarbe, “Fiti”, one of the historic leaders of ETA, is...

Joseba Arregi Erostarbe, “Fiti”, one of the historic leaders of ETA, is released after 32 years in prison

The historic leader of ETA Joseba Arregi Erostarbe, Fitiwas released after spending 32 years in prison and reaching the maximum limit of execution of the sentences imposed on him, reported the association of relatives of prisoners Etxerat.

Arregi Erostabé He was arrested during the operation against the ETA leadership held on March 29, 1992 in the Basque-French town of Bidart, during which leaders such as Francisco Múgica Garmendia, Pakito and José María Álvarez Santacristina, Txelis, among others, also fell.

Since then, Arregi Erostarbe, born in Oñati (Gipuzkoa) in 1946, has remained incarcerated in different prisons in France and Spaincountry to which he was handed over in 2000 and where he was tried for multiple attacks and murders. His longest sentence was 2,354 years in prison for the attack on the Civil Guard barracks in Zaragoza, committed in December 1987, in which 11 people were murdered, including five girls.

Until his release, he was ETA’s oldest prisoner, at 78 years old. Arregi Erostarbe, who was in Martutene prison (Gipuzkoa), had obtained the third degree penitentiary in 2021 and 2022but on two occasions it was revoked after appeal by the prosecution of the National Court.

In December 2023, he was able to start dating again a second degree attenuatedas reported by Etxerat, which specified that from June 2024, the third diploma was again granted with telematic control




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