Home Top Stories Juanma Moreno highlights at the Climate Summit that the Council has mobilized...

Juanma Moreno highlights at the Climate Summit that the Council has mobilized 140 million for selective waste collection

Juanma Moreno highlights at the Climate Summit that the Council has mobilized 140 million for selective waste collection

In Baku, the Andalusian government defends its commitment to applying nature-based solutions, such as combating heat islands, improving public transport and reducing emissions.

He highlights that Andalusia is the first autonomous community to develop a climate action plan

Juanma Moreno, this Wednesday, at the ministerial meeting held in Baku ABC


Updated on 11/21/2024 at 9:58 a.m.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Morenodefended the Andalusian Government’s commitment to promoting and applying nature-based solutions, such as combating heat islands, improving public transport, reducing emissions and integrating management of…

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