Home Entertainment News Juanma Moreno increases his absolute majority and would sweep Andalusia again

Juanma Moreno increases his absolute majority and would sweep Andalusia again

Juanma Moreno increases his absolute majority and would sweep Andalusia again

Juanma Moreno, president of the government of Andalusiacontinues to gain followers in a community that has already completely given itself over to managing the PP. After almost four decades of socialism and corruption, the Andalusians decided in 2018 to definitively slam the door on a PSOE that in fact it would lose a seat if regional elections were held now, as reflected in the electoral survey carried out by Data10 prepared for OKDIARIO. So things are, PP of Juanma Moreno would again obtain an absolute majority which, moreover, would be even more resounding than in 2022, since the popular party they would win 120,000 more votes than then.

In this way, the PP of Juanma Moreno would obtain 44.4% of the votes; 1.3 points more than two years ago, which would give them 59 deputies, one more than in 2022. PSOEalthough having gained nearly 50,000 voters compared to the last regional elections, would lose an advisor and would go from 30 to 29, very far from the 55 which grants an absolute majority in the community. VoiceFor his part, he also has reason to rejoice, since he would win nearly 80,000 votes compared to the 2022 regional elections and would obtain 15 councilors, one more than two years ago.

Can A councilor would benefit from going from 7.7% of the 2022 vote to 8.6% of the vote, which would give him six deputies in the Andalusian Parliament. It is therefore appropriate to take into account the real concern Before Andalusiasince the party led by Teresa Rodríguez would no longer have parliamentary representation after losing the only two councilors it had obtained in the last regional elections. In fact, Adelante Andalucía would go from the 168,000 votes in 2022 to the 107,000 it plans Data10 in the survey prepared for OKDIARIO.

What is clear is that the Andalusians reward the management of Juanma Morenowho led Andalusia on the path to growth and job creation after decades of corruption and waste. Thanks to its low tax policy – five tax cuts – and the reduction of bureaucracy, the Andalusians have been able to verify that investments can be increased in basic areas such as health, education or social policies while allowing Andalusians to have more money in their pockets.

The Andalusian budget for 2025 will in fact be the “highest in history”, since it will have 48.836 million euros. Thanks to this, Advice from Andalusia They have already announced that “a great effort will be made in terms of public health, education and employment”. The overall Andalusian budget figure for 2025 represents a 40.5% increase compared to 2018, the last promoted by the previous socialist government.


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