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HomeLatest NewsJudge asks Supreme Court prosecutor to denounce Alvise Perez for threatening her

Judge asks Supreme Court prosecutor to denounce Alvise Perez for threatening her

A judge in Seville has asked the Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office to denounce MEP Luis “Alvise” Pérez for threatening her in several of his Telegram messages addressed to hundreds of thousands of followers. The judge, who is investigating the ultra Vito Quiles for defamation against the secretary general of Facua, denounces that the leader of “Se Acabó la Fiesta” gave him “24 hours” to rectify one of his judicial decisions under the threat of publishing “things about the definition of the term corruption. In her deduction from the testimony, the judge understands that the MEP could have suffered “threats and repression of the jurisdictional function” and leaves his case in the hands of the Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office, the court competent to investigate him due to his capacity.

The far-right MEP wrote these messages on his Telegram channel, where he now has more than 700,000 subscribers, last June, when a judge in Seville contacted the National Police to locate Vito Quiles and take his statement following a complaint he filed. Rubén Sánchez, secretary general of Facua. Initially, and by mistake, the magistrate indicated in her order that Quiles should be arrested, although the court later clarified that the agents should only locate him to inform him that the case against him was being opened.

That morning, shortly after the news broke and the agitator Quiles left Congress in a hurry, Alvise Pérez addressed Judge María José Moreno directly in a message: “I give the judge 24 hours to rectify the order for the arrest of Vito Quiles and say that it is a mistake and that you are only asking where he is.” In a second paragraph, he warned the judge that if she did not rectify the situation, he would publish “things about the definition of corruption.” An hour and a quarter later, he published a second message in which he slipped, speaking of himself in the third person, that he had even spoken to the magistrate by phone to convey his warnings.

These comments, which have generated thousands of reactions from the MEP’s followers on his Telegram channel, were brought to the attention of the judge by Rubén Sánchez and the magistrate, as has been able to verify, has acted: she has sent the matter to the Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office to determine whether Alvise Pérez should be reported for threats and “repression of the judicial function”. According to the judge, these two messages “may constitute” a crime and should be analyzed by the Prosecutor’s Office of the court competent to investigate Pérez in his capacity as a Member of the European Parliament.

It will now be the criminal prosecutors of the Supreme Court who will analyse Pérez’s messages and decide whether they can be considered a threat against the magistrate of the investigating court number 18 of Seville. If so, they will have to file a complaint with the Criminal Chamber presided over by Manuel Marchena and initiate proceedings against the MEP, who already during the electoral campaign of the last European elections stated that one of his main objectives should have been left aside to protect what it has defined for years as a fight against corruption that it has not yet undertaken.

So far, Pérez has not been convicted in any criminal case, but he does have a strong civil conviction from the Supreme Court: the judges forced him to pay journalist Ana Pastor 7,000 euros in compensation for the publication of private photos of her and her husband, Antonio García Ferreras, having dinner and implying that they are part of a “mafia.”

Innuendos and threats

In recent years, Luis “Alvise” Pérez has used his Telegram channel with hundreds of thousands of followers to spread messages that, over time, have combined far-right ideology with hoaxes, rumors and innuendos about politicians, businessmen and journalists. He claims to have information that is as confidential as it is compromising. “We will publish a series of audios and documents that affect the cream of the judges, courts, magistrates, journalists and officials of the political parties that have plundered the institutions,” he told Congress shortly after the elections.

A threat that has not yet materialized and is similar to that made on other occasions, as well as the one launched in a veiled manner to the magistrate of Seville who has now handed over his case to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Some insinuations and warnings that he combined last year with ambiguous and violent language and with his role as the visible face of the first demonstrations in front of Ferraz Street last November until he left one of them saying that he was going home to dinner.”

Since arriving at the European Parliament, Pérez has dedicated part of his activity on Telegram to raffling off part of his salary among his supporters and also to denouncing the expenses that he considers superfluous in this institution, one of his latest videos dedicated to some of the pins that the chamber gives to the deputies.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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