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HomeBreaking NewsJudge asks UCM to tell him how many students Begoña's master's degree...

Judge asks UCM to tell him how many students Begoña’s master’s degree had and what she earned for being its director

Juan Carlos Peinado, the appeal judge Begoña caseasked the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) to inform you of the number of “registered and participating students in each edition” of the master’s degree that you co-supervised Begoña Gomezwife of Pedro Sanchez.

Likewise, in a resolution to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, the magistrate requested to know the amounts paid for each of the students and those collected by Gómez and the rest of the teachers and managers.

As reported by this newspaper, Peinado was about to investigate the real number of students in the master’s program, and then noticed some contradictions in various testimonies. And that’s what he did.

The judge had already ordered one of the witnesses in the case, Marc-SimonDeputy Director of the La Caixa Foundation, one of the two sponsors of the master’s degree, to provide a report that was sent by Gómez to the entity. Nearly 250 students are included in it.

But first, another witness, Luis Cypresswho had taught at the master’s level, only mentioned about 10 or 15 students during his interrogation. As a teacher, he had earned 900 euros in one year and later about 1,500 euros.

So, when Simón mentioned the 248 students, the judge asked the director where this information came from. And the deputy director of the La Caixa Foundation, who testified on August 26, mentioned this report sent by Gómez, whose incorporation in the Peinado case was soon ordered.

In addition, the judge asked the La Caixa Foundation and Reale Seguros, the other sponsor of the master’s degree, to provide the Court, “as soon as possible,” the “minutes of the granting of the subsidy for the sponsorship of the chair” that covered the master’s degree, as well as “all the documentation” provided by Begoña Gómez in this process.

An IE witness

On the other hand, Peinado summoned Sonsoles Gil de Antuñano Fernández-Montes to testify.

The latter is the current director of human resources at the Business Institute (IE), an organization that hired Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez, to lead its IE Africa Center branch.

In addition to the creation of the university chair that covered the aforementioned master’s degree, the magistrate is investigating the conditions in which Gómez’s working relationship with the Instituto de Empresa developed.

As part of this part of the investigation, Sonsoles Gil de Antuñano must appear in court on October 16. This is stated in another brief resolution, dated September 17 and to which EL ESPAÑOL had access.

However, before this witness testifies, it will be known whether or not the Provincial Court of Madrid, the court hierarchically superior to Judge Peinado, will order him to close the case, as requested by Begoña Gómez’s defense, led by the lawyer. . and former minister Antonio Camacho.




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