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HomeLatest NewsJudge investigating Pedro Sanchez's brother warns of fines if he flees

Judge investigating Pedro Sanchez’s brother warns of fines if he flees

The president of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Badajoz, Beatriz Biedma, has issued, at the request of David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, brother of the President of the Government, a notice to the sailors in the form of a reminder of the fines that the parties who disclose media information on the case may face.

In a resolution that ABC had access to, it is stated that “at the express request of the defense of Mr. Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, it is reminded to all parties to this procedure that in general” the procedure is reserved and whoever reveals the content of the “Unduly” will be “corrected with a fine of 500 to 10,000 euros.”

The judgment, signed this Monday, takes into account the writings received during the month of August, as well as two of the appeals of Pedro Sánchez’s brother against the introduction of popular accusations. In the case of his challenge to the entry of the Christian Lawyers Foundation, he considers the request withdrawn and regarding access to the file of the Liberum Association, he requests that it be verified that he appealed within the time limit.

Libra also questioned the Tax Agency about the fact that the report on the tax residence and payment of taxes of the person who is the main investigator of the case did not have letterhead or signature. It requests the full identification, position held and digital signature of the official who issues it, because “unlike the rest of the reports presented by said organization”, it does not appear in this case.

These are “all emails”

At the same time, the appeals against the decision to seize a battery of emails at the Provincial Council of Badajoz continue their course towards the Provincial Court. One of those affected by this measure is Francisco Martos, deputy delegate of the Culture and Sports sector who approved a modification of the definition of David Sánchez’s work and who has appealed because he considers that it would be necessary to intervene in all his emails from 2016 to 2022 is disproportionate, unjustified and inappropriate.

“‘All emails’ are mandatory, not those concerning the Cultural Space, nor those concerning the Conservatory or the Performing Arts for example. No, they are all requested, without further delay, that is to say whether or not they have to do with the subject of the investigation. And, as if that were not enough, to know whether such emails were received or sent, which also implies the intervention of third parties, not included in the already long list contained in the order”, states the appeal, which had access to ABC.

He claims that “all, absolutely all, the emails of the people involved will be revealed, regardless of their nature, or if they affect the subject they concern” despite the fact that it is “known that corporate or business emails are very often the communication channel” that everyone also uses to interact with their loved ones, not necessarily in the context of work.

“This, in itself, already constitutes a flagrant violation of the privacy of individuals and will merit the Order of Reform and Cancellation, since the real and future effects of its maintenance and execution have certainly not been evaluated,” he says. David Sánchez’s representation has adhered to this argument.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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