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Judge refuses to file charges against Le Senne ultras and will testify for tearing down photo of Francoist victim

The investigating judge of the Court Number 1 of Palma refused this Monday to file the complaint and the complaint against the president of the Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), and will question him as an investigator on September 27 for an alleged hate crime.

The judge thus rejected the request of the controversial and ultra-president of the Parliament, who had requested the case file assuring that he had torn the photograph of Aurora Picornell and the rest of the Rojas del Molinar – all victims of the Franco regime – in an “accidental” way, as explained by the collective “Estimada Aurora”. The images were located on the computers of two socialist deputies that El Senne expelled from the plenary session.

The investigating judge made this decision after viewing the videos of the parliamentary session last June, which debated the possible repeal of the law on the democratic memory of the Balearic Islands on the proposal of Vox, in which Le Senne tore up the photo, and then hearing the accusations concerning the case file.

The group, promoted by lawyer Sebastià Frau and made up of more than 50 professionals from different fields, appeared in the case as a popular accusation, although a few days before, the association Memòria de Mallorca had already filed a complaint as a private accusation on behalf of the victims and relatives of the Rojas del Molinar, for an alleged hate crime.

He continues to be President of Parliament

Despite being immersed in legal proceedings and Santiago Abascal having broken the pact between the PP and Vox in the Islands, the PP saved Le Senne last week. In a motion of impeachment where his continuity was debated, the conservatives, who were the same ones who promoted Le Senne to the presidency of the Autonomous Chamber, decided to abstain and thus allow Vox to continue occupying one of the most important institutional positions of the archipelago.

The reason for the impeachment motion promoted by the left (PSIB-PSOE, Més for Mallorca, Més for Menorca and Podemos) was precisely the episode that brought El Senne to court: on June 18, he smashed the portrait of the Republican Aurora Picornell and those known as “Rojas del Molinar”, shot by the Francoists during Twelfth Night in 1937. Picornell was a well-known Majorcan Republican and probably became the most representative icon of Franco’s repression in the islands. The events of El Senne caused a wave of indignation inside and outside the Balearic Islands.

In a plenary session to debate his impeachment, Le Senne accused the left-wing parties, on the basis of an act – that of breaking the photograph – which he described as “accidental and involuntary”, of “organising a circus that they have been holding for more than two months” and “organising a campaign of harassment based on lies and the political use of justice”. “They spoke of the attack as if it were a terrorist, they gathered their troops to shout ‘Gabriel Le Senne, fucking Nazi’ at the doors of Parliament. And I even received death threats”, he proclaimed, without ever apologising for the acts committed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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