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HomeTop StoriesJudges for Democracy recall that “mass expulsions” are “contrary” to European law

Judges for Democracy recall that “mass expulsions” are “contrary” to European law

The organization Judges and Judges for Democracy reported that the dignity of the person and the inviolable rights which are inherent in it are the foundation of political order and social peace according to art. 10.1 of the Constitution. Therefore, “all public authorities act in full submission to the law and all individuals, as human beings, enjoy equal dignity and the rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international conventions.”

This reminder is relevant because in Spain Mass expulsion of foreigners is not possible according to art. 4 of protocol number 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights. To be legal, expulsions must be based on a decision individual, grounded and concrete reasons existing in the law.

“They require, as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) says, a reasonable and objective analysis of the specific case. Mass expulsion or any other euphemism used constitutes a flagrant violation of the international legality applicable in Spain and, with it, of human dignity which serves as the basis of the Spanish Constitution itself“, reported Judges for Democracy.

Furthermore, the organization stressed that only through scrupulous respect for the dignity of the human being can “we speak, within the framework of our Constitution, of an authentically democratic state of law.” On the other hand, they also affirmed that only through “scrupulous” respect for the dignity of the person It is possible to answer the “the challenges of immigrationwhich we cannot escape, no matter what obstacles are erected.

In conclusion, Judges for Democracy stressed that these rights will not disappear even if the far-right groups want to take away the human condition from citizens: “They will not disappear, even if we deny our own human condition, equal to that of any person. Outside of international legality, only barbarism exists. “The denial of our own humanity only reveals a hypocrisy that is as cruel as it is unnecessary.”




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