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HomeLatest NewsJunqueras assures that ERC's defamatory campaigns were hidden from him

Junqueras assures that ERC’s defamatory campaigns were hidden from him

Former ERC president Oriol Junqueras distanced himself on Monday from the so-called “B structure” of the formation, which gave rise to false propaganda campaigns such as the posters on Alzheimer’s disease, and made it clear that he knew nothing about it. “I didn’t know it and I didn’t have the opportunity to know it, because surely there were those who wanted me not to know it,” he said.

In an interview on Rac1, Junqueras, who officially presented his candidacy for the presidency of the party Militància Decidim on Saturday, assured that he was aware of the campaigns carried out by this structure at the time of their publication in the media. He also believes that its promoters, without giving names, did not explain this to him due to lack of trust or because they knew that they would not have his approval.

“I have nothing to do with it. I am not part of these groups, nothing at all, which I am very proud of,” Junqueras stressed, after disapproving the aforementioned campaigns from an ethical and political point of view.

When asked if ERC Secretary General Marta Rovira had informed her of this, she avoided answering and limited herself to stating that she wished her the best and expressed her respect, gratitude and consideration: “I am sure that she Like her, “the vast majority of people must think that these things cannot happen again.”

After adding that he is convinced that there is no compromising message from him on these issues, he regretted that someone thinks that initiatives such as the posters on Alzheimer’s disease could have political effectiveness, among other things.

Junqueras had an open confrontation with the group that leads the ERC for months until the extraordinary congress of November 30. After his resignation in June, the former vice-president of the Generalitat aspires to return to the presidency of the party, and for this he will have to prevail over the candidacy supported by Rovira, led by Xavier Godàs.

Jordà regrets “a certain hatred” between Junqueras and his colleagues at the ERC

ERC Congresswoman Teresa Jordà denounced Junqueras’ attitude this Monday and regretted that the former president of Esquerra expressed “a certain hatred” towards his colleagues in the organization, in reference to the Republican leader’s statements this Saturday during the presentation of his candidacy at the party congress, when he accused Marta Rovira of mismanagement without even mentioning her.

This is how Jordà spoke in an interview for ‘El Matí’ on Catalunya Ràdio, as representative of the ‘Nova Esquerra Nacional’ candidacy, close to the interim general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, and who is running for Congress. on November 30 as an alternative to the list promoted by Junqueras.

Jordà asked himself: “What is the betrayal? That Marta Rovira considers that there is a new political cycle, that a change of leadership is necessary?” Jordà said that Junqueras himself had asked Rovira a few months ago to be part of his candidacy for the leadership, with the subsequent refusal of the secretary general. “I feel very bad, because above all, there is the project and the good people of ERC, and we are in a new cycle, and things have to start again,” he said. “We are left with all this. It is not acceptable, the country does not deserve it, and even less the militancy of the ERC,” he stressed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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