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Junqueras eats Marta Rovira

Go get some popcorn and stand in front of the TV3 screen to continue. the Esquerra crisis. The truth is that the public channel, every time it has to report the latest knife attacks, feels a certain discontent. It is not in vain that one of the last things that Father Aragonès did before calling elections was to approve 1.3 billion in four years for Generalitat television.

And the truth is that things are getting interesting. Aggressive headlines are frequent in the press. Not only a “dirty war”, but also an “attack” or a “mud” directly. The last episode was the one starring Oriol Junqueras last Saturday. He made a show of force. The Passion Theater of the town of Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) is sold out.

He also introduced his second-in-command with the corresponding surprise effect: Elisenda Alamany. Technically, it is converted. It started in the Commons. She was even a spokesperson in Parliament in 2018. Until she was removed from her post by Colau. I remember her, in a few months, even weeks, move from spokesperson to simple deputy. From there to the Mixed Group. And finally to the ERC advisor in Barcelona. Since she was Ernest Maragall’s number two, I suppose. He had aspirations after retirement. However, the victory of the official candidacy at the ERC congress in Barcelona must have cut him off. Perhaps all this contributed to taking the step.

However, the most fun was the barrage of Junqueras against its former secretary general, Marta Rovira. Without mincing words. He directly accused her of being responsible for the latest episodes of dirty war.

Marta Rovira said she did not plan to respond to the attacks “out of responsibility”. But, as they say in these cases: he who remains silent grants. Perhaps that is why this Tuesday, a trusted leader, Marta Vilaret, responsible for the “Anti-repressive Policy” – so you can see where the shots are going in ERC – had to come forward at Rac1. He denied the accusations and assured that Oriol Junqueras was aware of them even though, at that time, he was in prison.

The truth is that the former president succeeds Marta Rovira. He did what Pedro Sánchez did after the barons expelled him from that famous federal committee in October 2016. He tied the blanket over his head and started fighting for himself.

The current Secretary General has also made several mistakes. The first was to announce his retirement hoping that the other would do the same. Like, we’re both leaving. Junqueras turned a deaf ear.

In doing so, he leaves his candidacy somewhat lame. They have now opted for the sociologist and former mayor of Vilassar de Dalt (9,000 inhabitants) Xavier Godàs. The problem is that he is unknown to the general public, even to the voter of Esquerra.

When they presented the list at the end of August, the most famous faces were the former party spokesperson, Raquel Sans, who had resigned shortly before. The number two of the Congress, Teresa Jordà. And the mayor of Manresa, Marc Aloy, has enough problems in his city.

Marta Rovira was not even present at the presentation ceremony. He had to be in Switzerland, the country where he resides. The second mistake was not having closed on time Maragall’s poster crisis. And when he returned in mid-July, was the first objectiveThey had even called a national council which was to decide the question.

The suspicion that is beginning to spread is that if the crisis has not been resolved, it is because it is dirty up to the eyebrows. A leader of Lleida, Xavier Casanovas, has already requested an investigation into the current secretary general.

There have been more missteps. He has also asked senior officials of the ERC of the socialist Generalitat to resign. Some, aware of their immediate dismissal, have taken the step to put on a good show. More than two hundred are still active. own Salvador Illa is in no hurry either by stopping them.

It is also the image of the pact with the socialists. She was the one who signed the agreement with Lluïsa Moret. On this occasion, they did not use the Saló del Tinell as in the first tripartite but rather the exterior of the Biblioteca de Catalunya.

There were few options, but if the deal does not go well, his image will always be linked to that of a “Spanish” president for a good part of Esquerra’s activists and voters.

In fact, the same day that Junqueras threw the depth charge, she threatened the PSC if it did not comply with the “singular financing”. It was a way of getting her chest out. Not only against Junqueras but also before Junts.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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