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Junqueras launches his candidacy against Rovira to lead the ERC: “He betrayed our principles”

He former ERC president Oriol Junqueras This Saturday, at the La Passió de Olesa theater in Montserrat (Barcelona), he presented his candidacy to lead the party again at the congress on November 30, during which he defended the end of the “parallel organs” internal. During his presentation, he criticized “structure B” organized within the party, which promoted controversial communication campaigns, such as posters against Maragall, “making decisions in prison”. Junqueras thus launched his candidacy to head the ERC against Marta Rovira, current secretary general“These people have betrayed our principles,” he explained to the aforementioned structure, recalling that “our commitment is to be able to make October 1 and 3 as immense and long as necessary.”

Your application Militancy Decided He is one of four who are contesting the leadership of the ERC.Among others, stands out that of Xavier Godàs, a senior official in the government of Father Aragonés, close to the current Secretary General, Marta Rovira.

Junqueras said he has the support of 60% of ERC mayorsand placed the leader of the Republicans in the Barcelona City Hall, Elisenda Alamany, as the figure to occupy the General Secretariat of the party after the congress.

In reference to Structure B, Junqueras reiterated that many activists are outraged by it, but he defended “making it an engine of change” to renew the party’s leadership: “These people who did this betrayed our principles.“, he criticized Structure B, and added verbatim that there were people who demanded parallel actions from the ERC press room, while, according to him, this embarrassed Republican activists.

Separate mobile messaging group

Regarding the aforementioned structure B, Junqueras condemned that in 2018 some party members organized a group on the messaging app Signal to make decisions outside the presidency that he himself exercised and outside the executive and the ERC Consell, the two main governing bodies. In this sense, he criticized the fact that structure B is dedicated to posting posters against Alzheimer’s, fighting activists or posting posters with messages such as “Rotting in prison”.

He also asked activists to pledge to “never sew up any wound” that they had not first cleaned: “No one has the right to ask that what embarrasses us did not happen.”

More weight on the municipalities

Regarding the internal functioning of the party, Junqueras proposed giving more weight to the municipalities and “strengthening militancy.” “We will not allow ourselves to be taught by those who have never put up posters or taken them down”“, he assured, and thanked the militants who have been active in the party for decades and who have had to raise the project on other occasions. With this, he stressed the need to “dignify” the Consell and the Executive of the ERC, and said that his candidacy is intended as a “guarantee of cleanliness” and the will to sew militancy and organization.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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