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HomeLatest NewsJunts admits changing vote to overturn vacation rental law: "If we abstained,...

Junts admits changing vote to overturn vacation rental law: "If we abstained, it was approved."

“We changed the meaning of the vote, but not the opinion,” justifies Míriam Nogueras after going from abstention to “no” at the last minute and stopping the processing of the rule promoted by the tenants

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The leader of Junts in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, admitted this Wednesday that her party changed the direction of the vote at the last minute to reverse the treatment of the law on seasonal rentals, after learning that with the abstention they had announced the rule passed the initial vote in Congress.

“We changed the vote when we were informed that with our abstention we were facilitating the approval of the law,” Nogueras said in an interview on RAC-1 to justify that his party had changed, minutes before the vote, the announced direction of its vote and will go from abstention to “no” to the development of the law on seasonal rentals, a new type of rental that traps tenants and serves to circumvent price regulation.

Congress refused to consider a bill promoted by social and tenant organizations to combat the fraudulent use of seasonal rental contracts and provide greater protection to tenants. Given the proposal, it was rejected by 178 votes in favor (PP, Vox, UPN and Junts) and 172 votes in favor (PSOE, Sumar, ERC, EH Bildu, BNG, Podemos, PNV and CC).

“We changed the direction of the vote, but not the opinion,” Nogueras said in an attempt to explain his party’s change of vote, which sparked anger among left-wing forces in Congress and tenants’ unions for not warning anyone until minutes before the vote on this round.

“With our abstention, the law fell and nobody said anything,” added Nogueras, assuming the vote of the other parties that ultimately supported the processing of the law and recognizing that the change responded to its objective of stopping the processing of the law.

Nogueras urged the promoters of the rule to resubmit it and “continue negotiations.” “It is not a law that regulates seasonal rentals because it imposes a model that does not work,” he added.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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