Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 12:45 am
HomeTop StoriesJunts plays Sumar in Congress

Junts plays Sumar in Congress

Together proposed to make life very difficult for this government. Today, it was at Add. Those of Puigdemont have rejected his proposal to regulate temporary rentals. And they did it their way: give a late and bad warningdoing the opposite of what they said they would do.

Everything seemed to be on track. In Yolanda Díaz’s party, they were calm because they won the votes. The numbers were very close, 172 votes for against 171 against, but they claimed to have guaranteed support. They even boasted loudly of having “there was half a vote left“. The truth is that they did not seem to have any reason to worry; Junts per Catalunya had informed them privately that they would abstain and the PNV and the CC had also confirmed their favourable vote.

The vote, yes, was one of the most complicated. With only one vote in favor, no one could be absent, and even less be wrong. All MPs were called to attend the vote.. Even Sánchez, who usually does not attend Tuesday’s vote unless his vote is essential, was in Congress half an hour earlier. The situation was so extreme that a deputy was seen with his son in the courtyard, because even parental obligations were not an excuse not to go to vote.

The alarms went off three minutes before the start of voting. Iñigo Errejón received a call from Miriam Nogueras to inform him that they were changing their position and that instead of abstaining, they would vote no. Then, suddenly, there was no time to negotiate. In a matter of seconds, Sumar’s joy at the imminent victory turned to anger. The voting panel spits out what the call announced: 178 votes against, 172 for.

Junts has once again made it clear who is leading the Congress. They justify their change of position by saying that during the debate held three hours earlier, they had realized that the law was invading the competences of Catalonia. In Sumar, they accuse them of being liars and of doing politics in a “schizophrenic“. In the PSOE, they are cured of the horror, they recognize that “they are not serious” and they have more than assumed that “that’s how it is”. Meanwhile, the PP licks its lips over the situation and the popcorn, convinced that the government will continue to bleed to death every week while it imposes itself as the only alternative.

And Sanchez left Congress as he had come. Your presence today did not save anything.It has been demonstrated once again that the real float is the seven deputies of the Junts.





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