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Junts recognizes that “things are moving” in negotiations with the government on the deficit path

In the midst of negotiations on the deficit pathin Junts per Catalunya, recognizes that “it’s moving” in conversations with the PSOE.

Carles Puigdemont’s party is while waiting to receive the new proposal of the government, which this week postponed the vote on the spending ceiling by not having sufficient support to postpone it and thus avoid a new setback in Congress and give yourself room to negotiate with Junts.

Pedro Sánchez and María Jesús Montero know that the independence party wants more money for communities autonomous. Concretely, they demand at least a third of the total deficit target, but it remains to be seen how far the first vice president and Treasury chief can go. From their department they recognized a few days ago that it was possible to give more money to the autonomy, but not the third that Junts asks for.

The independence party, for its part, assures that don’t refuse any conversation nor negotiation: they are waiting for this new deficit trajectory proposal and then, they say, “we’ll see” with the Budgets State Generals (PGE).

The negotiation of public accounts, they assure, goes separately and furtherwhile the president of the government himself has since moved forward I will wait to present them until the end of the conferences de Junts and Esquerra Republicana, scheduled for the end of October and November respectively.

Waiting for, ERC claims conspiracy and their importance: Republicans do not want the government to think they are “easy” partners. They also want to negotiate this new deficit trajectory and have something to sell to say “yes” and they have already told the Treasury that they also have to count on them.




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