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HomeLatest Newsjust 1 hour from Valencia, hidden between mountains and natural pools

just 1 hour from Valencia, hidden between mountains and natural pools

Just 1 hour from Valencia and hidden among the mountains is the happiest city in Spain. When it comes to organizing a little getaway in the coming days, there is nothing better than doing it hand in hand with a goal that we should all follow in life, to be happy. That feeling that sometimes seems to disappear when we undertake a routine that is perhaps not what we expected, has become a harsh reality in many ways.

It will be more than ever time to think about those holidays that could end up surprising us and taking us away from something that we had not taken into account until now. These are days in which the rural environment, this new break that awaits us, must be aware of certain changes that we had not taken into account until now. The time will come to become aware of circumstances that perhaps we did not expect until now. There is a dream destination that will allow us to discover the happiest place in the country and that is much closer than we imagine.

Spain has these happy people

THE The reality is that Spain is one of the tourist destinations the most desired of the moment. We are a country that has everything. Beach and mountain, relaxation or action, we can choose the best possible plan, practically without leaving home. With everything we have in front of us and an attitude that you might never have imagined until now.

It is time to bet on these types of elements, to give a touch to our daily life, leaving aside what we really want. An option that could end up being the one that accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us and that could be the key. It is time for keys and actions that could end up generating essential commitments.

Happiness is a quality that can be discovered almost unexpectedly on one of those trips that can change our lives. Fill up your tank, get ready to live an experience that can really give you the touch of joy you need. You will discover a city just an hour from Valencia that will transport you to another dimension. With natural pools and a long list of elements that can give you what you need and more, take note of what awaits you.

Just 1 hour from Valencia, hidden between mountains and natural pools

Hidden between mountains and natural pools lies a town that you should know and that may end up providing you with a long list of properties that you may not have considered until now. Plan that perfect getaway with everything you need and more in an impressive destination.

As this municipality is presented on its website: “The city of Chulilla is located in a territory which is structured by the Turia River, and it is the one that has marked its entire historical evolution; the choice of the settlement of the population according to the importance of strategic and control elements. It is the hydrography, with its dual character of provider of economic resources and facilitator of defensive strategies, that has determined the history of Chulilla. Already in our time, the character of autarky and generalized isolation of the end of the old empire shaped the territorial structure that would give rise to the Muslim quarter of the Islamic castle of Xulella, which had its territorial continuity after the conquest in the barony of the 13th century. The relationship between the castle and the Turia River will establish the domestic axis for the inhabitants of the farms of the Islamic period, at the origin, if not already in Roman times, of the irrigation system of the valley from the Salto dam, commonly called “Charco Azul”. ». Chulilla appears documentary among the donations made by the Muslim king of Valencia, Abu Zayd, to the bishop of Segorbe in 1236. In 1248 Jaime I donated it to Pere Escriva for life “castrum et villam de Xulella” but this donation was not the definitive one. After this parenthesis of military lordship, it returned to ecclesiastical domination when in 1274 the barony of Chulilla was established, in the territory of the old Muslim region, and handed over to the Chapter and Bishop of Valencia. Until 1331, the population would be predominantly Muslim and in 1340 the Charter of the population was drawn up by Raimon Gastón and his Cabildo, the representatives of the hundred Christian settlers, Miguel Silvestre and Arnaldo Guernica, receiving the document. Throughout the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, from the study of surnames, we observe a certain substitution of the first lineages that arrived in the 14th century by those that currently make up the contemporary surname. We can call this period the Spartan era, not only because of its economic importance, still known to our elders, but also because of the way in which it governed community ordinances. Already in the 18th century, an announced rupture was occurring: the territory of the Barony that had remained barely modified for a millennium, that of the old Islamic quarter, was going to detach itself and the new municipalities of Villar and Losa would emerge. The 19th century is a century of expansion and changes: liberation from dependence on the archbishop-baron, construction of new mills, modernization of the Thermal Baths, improvement and introduction of new crops; but also the Carlist Wars in which the castle of Chulilla was occupied by the troops of General Cabrera and then reconquered by the Elizabethan troops after successive sieges. In the second half of the 19th century, the population was affected by these events that, together with its marginal location in relation to the development axes of the region, would ensure the maintenance of its rural character in the 20th century, which would bring about the beginning of the urban transformation and modernization and emigration of the chulillanos and chulillanas in search of new horizons. He would say goodbye to it suddenly: the fire of 1994, others, in addition to the civil war, had already entered history: the cockroach epidemic and the flood of 1957. Finally, already in our century, Chulilla is presented. a renewed vocation of a municipality no longer of traditional primary economy but of service, in which the enhancement of its monumental, natural and historical heritage reinforces the quality of life of locals and foreigners.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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