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HomeLatest NewsJustice declares that Nacho Cano's interns were not illegal in Spain

Justice declares that Nacho Cano’s interns were not illegal in Spain

Scholarship holders Nacho Cano They weren’t illegal immigrants when police arrested the music producer for immigration-related offenses, and they still aren’t, he argued. OKDIARIO and now the Contentious Administrative Courts 6 and 9 of Madrid have ruled that the scholarship holders were not in an irregular situation and could continue in Spain until the sentence is final.

The argument is simple and the only one responsible for all this mess is the government delegation in Madrid. The scholarship holders once presented their documents to the government delegation to request a study permit and the government delegation denied it in May. The students appealed the administrative decision of the Government Delegation and therefore, until their appeal was answered, they were able to remain in Spanish territory.

At the same time, Nacho Cano went to court to request a precautionary measure and regularize his scholarship holders despite the Government Delegation’s refusal to allow Mexican students to develop their scholarship. This is exactly what the Ministry of Justice resolved after the claim. by Nacho Cano’s lawyers.

Given that the Government Delegation has not responded to the students’ appeal for months, they can not only remain legally in Spain, but also continue with their study plans, until the Government Delegation responds: “The refusal to extend the studies would cause damage that is difficult to repair or extremely expensive, since you will not have the opportunity to carry out the studies that you intend to do in Spain. And all this without the requested authorization causing serious damage to the public interest or to third parties, or at least this has not been proven.

The decision concerns two of the scholarship holders and the response from the Government Delegation was not long in coming and informed the two students that their stay in Spain is provisionally authorized until the final decision is made.

The convictions fully affect the charges against Nacho Cano for committing an alleged crime of illegal immigration. The Police assured that they could prove that all the scholarship holders entered posing as tourists, with their passports and in an “organized manner on six different flights on the same day to go unnoticed at the border”, hence the arrest and accusation of the musician. producer of the crime of promoting irregular immigration. His defense, however, assures that the scholarship holders presented their papers to obtain the student permit, and this judgment proves them right.

The second question is whether the interns continued, after their call in May, to work on the Nacho Cano show. Police sources are clear: “They are in a kind of legal limbo but they cannot work at all, neither as extras nor anything.” And, according to the police investigation, they did, as they declared at the police station where they said they worked 60 hours a week and were still paid 500 euros in cash.

Faced with this problem, Nacho Cano’s lawyers and his firm deny all accusations and assure that these practices were included in the scholarships. The scholarship holders, alleged victims, now maintain that they were subjected to constraints and pressure when making their statements and that they were falsified by the police. The 17 interns, with the exception of the one who denounced Nacho Cano’s company, triggering the investigation, filed a complaint with the police a week after testifying and a few hours before. Nacho Cano was arrested.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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