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HomeLatest NewsKamala, a calamity that cannot be tolerated even in her party

Kamala, a calamity that cannot be tolerated even in her party

In the classic romantic comedy One pajamas for two, a skull advertising creation featuring Hudson Rock He invented fake advertisements for an equally fake product -VIP- to flirt with young girls to whom he promised a brilliant career as an advertising model. A technician from the agency finds the recordings and sends them to the television channels, creating a dilemma for the agency when the public begins to demand the mysterious VIP. They had created a huge anticipation for a product that did not even exist.

Something similar happens with Kamala Harris. If we are to believe the latest polls USA, The Democratic candidate has a three-point lead over Donald Trump in voting intentions for the November presidential elections, 48% versus 45%. Of course, if we had believed the 2016 polls, we would know that Trump’s chances of reaching the White House were practically zero.

Biased polls, more prescriptive than predictive, they form a pack with all the big Democratic campaign to make a viable candidate absolute nullity of the quota like Harris, hoisted up quickly and running in a palace coup in which, suddenly, President Biden’s obvious senile dementia was no longer fake news to become official history and the primary result was thrown into the trash without much ceremony.

Harris is a disaster, but she meets the electoral conditions that led Biden to choose her as his partner in the last presidential election: she is a woman and she is, as they say in North America, colored. And it’s not a risky accusation: the president himself announced, before choosing her, that his running mate would be woman and “black”even though he still didn’t know who would be chosen.

But that’s where his electorally saleable aspects end. Because, for everything else, Harris is a real calamity that they can’t stand, even in their own party. As vice president, he was a zero on the left, and when Biden gave him control of the southern border, he turned it into a huge drain. No one knows precisely how many aliens have entered the United States illegally under the Biden-Harris administration, but it is estimated that the number would exceed ten million7.2 just for the border with Mexico, a figure greater than the population of the 36 states of the Union taken individually.

Like the ousted Biden, the candidate only improves when she remains silent. Her statements are an unbearable mix of tongue twisters and insane clichés, seasoned with an evil Disney witch laugh that her campaign team is determined to suppress at all costs.

The candidate, surrounded by the best threshing which can be bought with money, has remained a record time without appearing before journalists, and when he did – as in the recent interview on “the friendly network” CNN – it was for the worst.

In a trick he shares with the Spanish left, he tries to dissociate himself from his important presence in the Biden administration and speaks of the government as if it were the opposition. His very few concrete proposals fall into two groups: those that steal his rival’s campaign and those that annoy the economic and financial establishment because of their utopian socialist character.

Among the first, there are insignificant ones, like not taxing tips, and others of monumental impudence, like building a wall for stop illegal immigration, Trumpists’ star promise. And it’s not that Harris has ignored Trump’s (nonexistent) wall: she has repeatedly criticized him in every way, calling him stupid and “un-American.” But, like Sánchez, Kamala changes her mind at will and is now pledging to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a wall.

But the proposals of the second group, the the originals, They make people cringe, and that’s what the smartest economists and financiers do: price control of food (a measure that has always and everywhere led to shortages) and new taxes on “unrealized gains” (literally).

None of this matters much, however, any more than the fact that in the Democratic primaries Kamala barely surpassed the record. 2% of the votes and had to withdraw in the first phase. These elections, like the previous ones, have only one protagonist: Donald Trump. Those who love Trump will vote for Trump, and those who hate or fear him will vote for Trump. Harris, How could they vote for a broom presented as a candidate by the Democrats?

There are more or less conspiratorial observers who see rigged polls as a way of preparing the public for a massive electoral fraud, something that in USA It’s a lot easier than people think on this side of the Atlantic, because it would be the only way a loser like Harris could win. I disagree. Kamala can win (more or less) properly, but not for its own merits, but for the most electoral of its virtues: not Donald Trump.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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