Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 5:37 am
HomeBreaking NewsKazakhstan's embassy in kyiv calls on its citizens to leave Ukraine

Kazakhstan’s embassy in kyiv calls on its citizens to leave Ukraine

The Kazakh embassy in kyiv is calling on its compatriots to leave Ukraine due to the worsening situation, reported.

“This must be done as quickly as possible due to the insecurity of being on the territory of Ukraine. Tensions are rising and delays can be dangerous. You can leave Ukraine using the checkpoints to Poland or Moldova.” – reports the diplomatic mission.

The embassy also calls on citizens remaining in the territory of hostilities to take their own safety seriously: do not ignore air raid signals and go to shelters in a timely manner.

Specific recommendations have also appeared on the department’s website. In particular, only citizens with a Schengen visa can travel to Poland. You can travel to Moldova only with a foreign passport.

In case of difficulties, Kazakhs can turn to their own embassy for help. To do so, it is necessary to have valid diplomatic service numbers at hand.

Contact number of the consular department of the embassy: +38 (044) 483 15 96, +38 (044) 489 10 31.

Hotline for Kazakhstan citizens (in case of emergency): +38 067 347 04 08.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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