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Key date and who leads the latest polls

This year’s US elections will take place on November 5th.. In general, the first Tuesday in November, after the first Monday of that month. This year, Americans are choosing after a historic election campaign, during which one of the candidates, former US President Donald Trump, was the victim of a stroke after being shot in the head in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the other the current president of the United States Joe Bidenwas replaced by his Vice President Kamala Harris, the current Democratic candidate after announcing her resignationforced by Democratic Party leaders and donors when they revealed themselves during the disastrous June 27 debate your mental health and cognitive issues.

The US elections will be played out in seven states that are the main swing states: Arizona, Snowfall, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina And Georgia. Among them, Pennsylvaniawith the highest number of electoral votes, 19, is marked in red as the key state to decide the White House.

To win it, the Candidates need 270 electoral votes. While, Trump has 219 insuredfavored by states that traditionally vote Republican, such as Texas (40 electoral votes), Alaska (3), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), Missouri (10) or Montana (4). Kamala Harris has 208, as she already has traditionally Democratic states such as New York (28 electoral votes), Colorado (10), Illinois (19), New Jersey (14) or Oregon (8). While, Trump can win the election by being better placed in the surveys of the undecided States mentioned above, although behind the general average in the surveys.

US Election Date

The date of the US presidential election is November 5. Every year it falls on a different date as it must always be the second Tuesday after the first Monday in November.In 1845, Congress passed a federal law designating Election Day as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

HE decided this way because in the 19th centuryMost citizens worked as farmers and lived far from their polling place. Since people usually traveled at least a day to vote, legislators had to allow a two-day delay for Election Day. Weekends were inconvenient, since most spent Sunday in church and Wednesday was market day for farmers. So Tuesday was chosen in November. Spring and early summer were ruled out because they interfered with the planting season.. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn coincided with the grape harvest.. November was therefore the best option: at the end of autumn, once the grape harvest was over, but before the harsh winter.

Who is the favorite in the polls?

THE favorite since the end of August and in early September it was Kamala Harris. Trump placed himself ahead in the average of the general polls, which reflect the general sentiment of the country.

On the other hand, during the months of July, August and early September, Donald Trump outpaced Kamala Harris in the swing states in the poll average, which are those that hold the key to these elections to win the 270 electoral votes: Arizona (11 electoral votes)Georgia (16), Michigan (15), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (16), Pennsylvania (19)Virginia (13) and Wisconsin (10).

Instead, Kamala Harris needs the working-class vote. So she has watered down her left-wing policies to appeal to moderate voters. She has even changed her mind on immigration, announcing that will spend $650 million on building the wall on the southern border between the United States and Mexico, through which has criticized Trump in the past.

What is the Electoral College?

He The Electoral College is a system exclusive to the United States.what is thisIn the United States, this only applies to presidential elections.. Instead of the president being elected by a simple majority of the popular vote, he is chosen by the proportion of votes from each state and the District of Columbia, Washington’s capital. The Electoral College is calculated by proportion of population, provided that, regardless of its population size, each state has at least three votes. Thus, a winning candidate must obtain 270 of the 538 electoral votes.

All but two states use a voting system in which winner takes all. For example, in 2020, Biden won Georgia with just 49.5% of the vote (to Trump’s 49.2%), giving Biden all 16 electoral votes. This means that a president can win without winning the popular vote, as Trump did in 2016. Hillary Clinton lost the election, despite winning the popular vote by a margin of 2.9 million votes. Also, in 2000he Republican George W. Bush Defeats Al GoreBill Clinton’s vice president, while losing the popular vote by about 545,000 votes.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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