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know these six things about yourself

If you think that you cat He just looks at you with indifference, you will be surprised to know that he is actually smarter than you imagine. felines They have a great ability to perceive and understand aspects of your life that might go unnoticed by others.

THE cats They know more about their owners than you think. They know your moods and daily routines. In this article, we reveal six things Surprising things your cat knows about you.

1. Your cat knows you love him

Your pet knows you love him and he senses it when you care about their well-beingwhen you offer food, water, and a resting area. They also notice this affection when you respect their space, their adaptation times, and offer them safety, protection, and quality time.

2. Know when you are sick

These cats cannot detect diseases, but thanks to their highly developed sense of smell They can perceive small changes in your body that are associated with a health problem. Your behavior when you are sick changes and you may feel weaker and sadder. These patterns capture this perfectly. In the same way, they are able to find out if your landlord is pregnant.

3. Cats sense your mood

Cats are capable of recognize human emotions through visual and auditory observations. According to the study Recognition of emotions in cats published in the magazine animals “Cats integrate visual and auditory cues to recognize human and conspecific emotions and appear to modulate their behavior based on the perceived emotion.” Kittens can tell if you are happy, nervous, stressed, or sad.

4. Your feline knows your routine

These animals are capable of recognize patterns. That’s why they know when it’s time to meet, sleep, when you arrive from work or leave, etc. They analyze human behaviors and their habits at home.

5. Your cat knows where you hide things

No one knows home better than your pet. Cats love it. explore every corner of the house and observe where you have hidden their toys, food or anything they like or that catches their attention.

6. He recognizes you as part of his group

These animals recognize your role at home and they understand that you care for them, provide them with food, affection and they feel protected and safe. Cats know that they are capable of know who its owner is by its smell. Every person has a unique scent and they recognize you by that. They can also recognize you by your face, body language and even your voice.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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