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HomeLatest NewsKoldo case judge asks Puente for copy of audit, asks prosecutor if...

Koldo case judge asks Puente for copy of audit, asks prosecutor if he should call him as witness

The President of the Central Court of Instruction number 2 of National CourtIsmael Moreno, issued a resolution in which he demands that the Minister of Transport provide a certified copy of the audit report on the purchase of masks from the instrumental company Management Solutions during the pandemic, the same one presented by the current holder of the portfolio, Óscar Puente, and that highlights the responsibilities of the figure of his predecessor, José Luis Ábalos and his cabinet.

The resolution, which ABC has had access to, also wants the ministry to identify “those responsible for its preparation” and instruct the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guardwhich is the judicial police unit responsible for the investigation, will be responsible for enforcing this requirement.

Furthermore, in another order signed this Thursday, the instructor requests a report from the anti-corruption prosecution service on the possibility of calling Minister Puente as a witness, in accordance with the request made by the prosecution filed by the Liberum association, so that he can explain the report and shed light on the procedures through which Puertos del Estado and Adif purchased masks from the company involved in the plot.

The audit report was presented last Friday in the Senate by Minister Puente and details various irregularities in the ministerial orders that, in the midst of the pandemic, authorized Puertos del Estado and Adif to purchase masks from a company that had charged zero euros the previous year.

The reported defects range from the duplication of the order of material within 38 minutes and without justification, to the lack of control over the final destination of the masks due to the absence of delivery records for more than four million units, to the fact that there are still masks worth more than 1.2 million euros stored in a cellar and a ministerial warehouse. In fact, the accusation brought by Liberum had just presented a written version ask the judge to investigate what happened to them, suspecting that the land had been resold to them, although there is no certification of their final destination.

Now, even if the audit report It has already been provided by the Popular Party since the Ministry made it public in an anonymized version on its website and delivered it to the Cortes, the judge requests the analysis through official channels and in a certified copy. From the sequence of events that it relates and the procedures that it details, new summonses of witnesses could arise, among other procedures.

There is another resolution, from Wednesday, in which it also asks the Public Ministry to establish a position on the appearance of the prosecution in the defense file of the Undersecretary of Transportation and Mobility, already dismissed from his position, Jesús Manuel Gómez, accused , given that it takes into account, precisely, the responsibilities that this audit highlights and in line with the resources of Liberum and the Popular Party. For this formation, he could have committed crimes against the Administration incompatible with the fact that the Administration itself is the one that would defend him.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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