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HomeBreaking NewsKVN master, 52 years old: "I'm already exhausted"

KVN master, 52 years old: “I’m already exhausted”

“I feel like an 18-year-old young man, I am spiritually creative, I am very grateful, happy, I love life, I believe in God and I trust in him.”

These words were spoken by the honored artist and actor Bahram Bagyrzade, who turned 52, in an interview with the “Report” program.

Bahram Bağırzade, who is known to most people as an actor of the KVN theater “Planet Parni iz Baku”, is currently engaged in publishing., He stressed that he likes to communicate with children.

The actor, who is often on the agenda with his expressed opinions, clarified many points.

B. Bagyrzade says that if he were to return to life, he would abandon certain habits:

“Fortunately, I was able to stay away from my habits like smoking and drinking. 25 years ago, I promised my mother and then my father that I would not drink or smoke, and since then I have given up these habits. May God help me. Mercy on them, I miss them so much today, because I feel lonely here. I always pray to God that I am lucky enough to meet them when I move into that world.

The actor also appealed to those who have misunderstood him: “People who don’t understand me should think like me when they sleep at night. If they can understand me, they will say that Bahram is right. You can’t spit on the ground. In the city, you can’t swear or shout at traffic lights, but there are people who throw garbage from the ninth floor. It’s not just the district, I didn’t even mention the district. They don’t behave properly when they come to the city.”

In the interview, she spoke about people complaining about unemployment, parliamentary elections, as well as her dance, which was criticized, and similar topics.

We present a more detailed video interview:

KVN master, 52 years old: “I’m already exhausted”

KVN master, 52 years old: “I’m already exhausted”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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