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Homekyiv accuses Washington of “double standards” – Politico

kyiv accuses Washington of “double standards” – Politico

This situation caused outrage in Ukraine, where they began to talk about “double standards” in the policies of American allies, since kyiv has not yet received that level of support.

According to Politico, Ukrainian diplomats expressed displeasure that the United States is not providing similar support to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said human life has the same value anywhere in the world and called on Western allies to defend Ukrainian skies as resolutely as they defend the Israelis. The reason for this difference in approaches, as journalists point out, is Russia’s nuclear status, while Iran does not have nuclear weapons.

A senior advisor to the US Senate explained:

“The difficult answer, which Ukrainians may not like to hear but which is unfortunately true, is that we can risk shooting down Iranian missiles over Israel without provoking a direct war with Tehran that could lead to a nuclear war. “There is much more risk if the same is done with Russian missiles.”

Biden administration officials, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that position. The material emphasizes that sending US troops to Ukraine to destroy Russian missiles could provoke a direct confrontation between the two major nuclear powers, which the United States is trying to avoid. In the Middle East, on the other hand, such actions do not have such serious consequences.

Iran, although close to creating weapons-ready nuclear materials, has not yet attempted to develop a nuclear bomb, according to sources. However, this factor makes the situation around its missile attacks less dangerous from the point of view of a direct military confrontation with the United States.

As for the Ukrainian air defense, according to the acting head of the communications department of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, partners are already providing information on the movement of Russian bombers. This data allows Ukrainian units to respond in a timely manner to possible attacks.

Ukraine hopes that neighboring countries such as Poland and Romania will be more active in shooting down enemy targets, including in the western part of Ukrainian airspace. However, Warsaw is not yet willing to change its policy without NATO’s full support, stating that there is a lack of consensus on this issue, especially on the part of Washington.

Despite kyiv’s desire for its allies to act like Israel, Ukrainian officials note that this is more difficult to achieve. Ukraine, unlike the small territory of Israel, is a huge country, difficult to defend with the help of ship-based air defense systems. NATO’s defensive measures could also lead to direct air combat with Russia, raising concerns in the White House.

In conclusion, the authors of the article highlight that the excessive caution of Western countries towards Russia sends an alarming signal to the world. This could push other countries, such as Iran, to develop nuclear weapons, destroying the global nonproliferation system.

Earlier, Kursor reported that weapons from Russia and other countries were being prepared to kill residents of Israel.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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