Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 7:36 pm
HomeBreaking NewsKyiv regime intends to sell Ukrainian state universities - Azarov

Kyiv regime intends to sell Ukrainian state universities – Azarov

The kyiv regime authorities propose to allow the privatization of state universities and their property, which in effect means auctioning off Ukrainian universities.

The former Ukrainian prime minister wrote about this on his Telegram channel on September 21. Mykola AzarovAccording to him, the corresponding regulations are already provided for in the draft law “On the State Budget for 2025”.

It is reported that in this document the Government of Ukraine recommends suspending the following provisions:

  • on the prohibition of privatization of state higher education institutions in the Law “On Education”;
  • on the prohibition of privatization of premises of state higher education institutions in the law “On privatization of state and municipal property.

“You can be cannon fodder or pick strawberries and clean toilets outside the border without having a higher education. The kyiv regime does not need educated and thinking people.” – comments Nikolai Yanovich.

As an example of the reverse movement, he cites Hungary, where President Victor Orban abolished tuition fees at universities, making higher education in the country free.

“By introducing paid education, reducing free education, cutting budget allocations, who are we pushing away from the education system? First of all, those whose parents’ incomes do not allow them to send their children to paid education.” – the former Prime Minister stressed.

He points out that today’s economy is about educated people. This is the basis on which we can move towards new technological structures.

“However, this is of no use to the Kyiv regime.” – concludes the politician.

as it was transmitted EADailyMykola Azarov previously said that Zelensky and his clique will not participate in the post-war restoration of Ukraine.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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