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HomeBreaking Newskyiv should not count on large-scale US aid, even under Harris administration...

kyiv should not count on large-scale US aid, even under Harris administration – WSJ

The likelihood of the US Congress approving new large-scale funding for kyiv is low, even if Kamala Harris wins, the Wall Street Journal reports.

“It is unlikely that such a level of funding (as it is now) will be achieved.” Ed.) will continue in the future, regardless of who ends up in the White House,” – writes the newspaper, quoted by the Strana publication.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Washington and America’s NATO allies are currently trying to develop long-term plans to help Ukraine “that can survive political changes in either country.”

According to the WSJ, the strategy joe biden In Ukraine, it boils down to an attempt to maintain the situation until the elections. Biden wants to “improve Ukraine’s strategic position as much as possible between now and the end of his term,” White House sources said.

“We will continue to provide Ukraine with the equipment it needs to push back the Russians, stabilize its front lines, build leverage, and improve its negotiating position,” the administration official said.

Biden’s closest aides “have no illusions that Ukraine can win the war before January 20, when a new president takes office, and have lowered expectations about what kyiv can accomplish in the next four months,” the article said.

However, Washington, according to a White House source, is not pushing Ukraine to hold peace talks because “Russia is not prepared to conduct meaningful negotiations that would lead to an acceptable outcome for Ukraine.”

With this approach from the Biden administration, “the conflict seems endless and carries risks of escalation with the involvement of nuclear Russia,” the paper notes.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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