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HomeTop StoriesLa Moncloa prepares the development of the Industry Law, key to receiving...

La Moncloa prepares the development of the Industry Law, key to receiving the rest of ‘NextGen’

The government faces the challenge of promoting the update of the Industry Law, one of ten regulations and reforms still waiting to receive the rest of European funds. The text It is one of the most likely to prospereven if the parliamentary instability on which the Executive relies leads to a complex legislative agenda. The ministry headed by Jordi Hereu is already working on it, although its development will not be easy. It must include the essential part 12 of the recovery plan agreed with Brussels, but also the guidelines dictated by the report Draghiin which the former President of the ECB analyzes the challenges facing industry and businesses in the single market. All this, without encroaching on the powers of the CCAA, and without protecting and defending the strategic companies of a key activity for the growth of the economy. We must not forget that Iberia -and IAG- is the most profitable airline in the entire European Union. In the second quarter, the Spanish company achieved a higher operating margin of 15.3%, leading a sector in which one of the pillars of freight – foreign demand – is supported by good GDP dynamics.

The European Commission is demanding a law that integrates two reforms. It calls on the one hand to develop an industrial boost strategy, and on the other hand for a waste policy and the deployment of the circular economy. The text could reach the Congress of Deputies next 2025, as one of the strategic initiatives that Moncloa could use to highlight the Spanish companies that dominate the community market. In addition, Hereu must assume the revenues listed by the former Italian prime minister at the beginning of September. The document calls for placing energy at the heart of the future law and demands that community partners develop a proposal to decarbonize all policies developed in the European Union. To achieve this – underlines the analysis – it will be necessary “a Minimum additional annual investment of between 750,000 and 800,000 million euros“, according to the Commission’s latest estimates, “which corresponds to between 4.4 and 4.7% of EU GDP in 2023.”

A handful of rules await their turn

However, this is not the only law that Moncloa is obliged to promote in Congress to obtain the remaining part of community funding. The standard which seeks to create a financial customer defense authority It is still waiting for its turn in the Lower House register. The Economía had already tried to approve this rule during the last legislature, but the early elections led to a decline in its application. Today, Corpus seeks – with a more precarious parliamentary workforce – to promote the law which – among other things – establishes an institutional and public system to resolve open conflicts between financial entities and their clients. The spirit of the proposed text seeks to solve this problem in a “simple, agile, efficient, free for clients – without the need for a lawyer and lawyer – and impartial” way. The Council of Ministers validated the initiative on March 19.

Finally, waiting is also the cinema law, which – like the previous one – also declined with the early elections. The standard agreed by Minister Ernest Urtasun with the sector was approved in Moncloa last June, several months late. In the list of pending reforms, there are also others such as the copyright office, the law on sports professionals or the status of health personnel.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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